Chapter 5

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Valinda pointed her finger at the limousine the group would take to Governor Noelle Thorn's house, where they would have dinner. Everyone came out of their rooms, nicely dressed.

Jessica sported a short electric blue cocktail dress with rhinestones around the waist. Her hair was kept simple and she wore no makeup. Rosalie stood next to her in a long, flowing, scarlet dress, gemstones embedded in the fabric on the bodice. Rosalie's hair was curled slightly and she had the tiniest but of makeup on because Spafina made her.

Spafina, Jewel, and Aria trailed behind Rosalie and Jessica. Wearing a pastel pink, halter top party dress and an updo for her hair, Spafina ran up to her sister. Jewel and Aria styled their hair simple and plain, but wore elegant black evening gowns.

The guys padded up behind them in sleek, black suits, obviously not okay with dressing up. Valinda led them to the vehicle and closed the doors.

"Do any of us have to pretend like we're dating?" Jonathan inquired once he sat down.

Valinda shook her head. "No. It's against the law to date outside your sign."

Jonathan looked at Elizabeth then downwards. "Okay."

"I'm just now realizing how stupid these laws are," Rosalie heard Elizabeth whisper to herself. The other girls noticed it as well.


"We're here. Children, behave tonight," Valinda ordered, stepping out of the car.

"Yes ma'am," they collectively agreed. The teenagers looked in awe at Governor Noelle Johnson's mansion.

  "Welcome!" Noelle greeted. She was a tall, middle-aged woman with dark brown hair, green eyes, and fair skin. She wore a long, black evening gown and a diamond set of jewelry.

  "Thank you so much for having us here," Valinda smiled warmly. "Come in, children. Come say hello!"

  The group introduced themselves and were then invited inside. Noelle showed them to her dining room, where they would be having filet mignon and crème brûlée for dessert. Noelle would entertain her guests before it would be time for dinner.

"So, you're on the Grand Tour? What have you visited so far?" Noelle began conversation.

"Oh, nothing. I told the kids to go out and explore, but they decided to have a war," Valinda replied dryly, sneaking glares at the friends. Most of them looked apologetic while Rose and Jess didn't seem to regret anything.

"Will you be leaving in the morning?" Noelle inquired.

"Yes, for the Taurus state of Alabama. The flight won't take very long, so maybe the kids will listen to me and use their time wisely while in Alabama."

"Ah. Would anyone here like a chance to speak? It can be about anything. Let's get to know each other while we have the chance. Blue Cohen? How about you?" Noelle took a sip of wine as she waited for Blue to respond.

"I have nothing to say."

"Nothing? You don't have anything about your family, life, or friends you'd like to say?"

"I have no family. These guys I suppose are my friends, but I will never see them again after this week."

  Noelle took another sip of wine. "Pardon?"

"Aren't you a governor? You should know the laws. I'm Scorpio. These guys are all different signs. After this week is over, we will be forbidden to speak to each other. Tell me, oh wise governor, why that is?What is the reason for these ridiculous laws that restrain us from actually being a united country?" Blue had a smug look on his face, challenging her.

Noelle stuttered. "Y-young man, it's b-because... Oh look, dinner is ready!"

Blue muttered something incomprehensible, but his new friends could guess what it was about. Every kid there, especially Leaders' children, were rethinking the laws and if they were beneficial to the country or not.

"Where is the President and what is he doing to his country?" Elizabeth mumbled quietly and annoyed.

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