Chapter 6

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"What do you mean?" Rosalie asked Elizabeth.

Elizabeth shook her head in frustration. "Your mother never told you?"

"Told us what?" Spafina butted in, confused.

"There's a President. I'll explain to everyone after we get back to the hotel," Elizabeth whispered, motioning to a suspecting Noelle.


Valinda guided the teens back to their hotel rooms, satisfied with herself. "Don't stay up too late, we're leaving at 7:00 A.M., so be ready by then." Valinda eyed the kids, making sure her point got through. "Oh yeah, boys, girls, don't visit each other." Smiling, Valinda left the kids.

The girls went to their room and the boys went to theirs.

"Alright, let's get this over with. Get the boys," Elizabeth ordered. "I've got explaining to do."

Rosalie and Jessica fetched the boys, grabbing their attention by saying, "Listen limp-dicks! (Idkkk XD) We need you guys in our room. Right now."

Wolf's head popped up from his screen, grinning. "That's what she said!"

"Just get your asses in our room, we got news," Rosalie scoffed, rolling her eyes.

"Keep rolling your eyes and you might find a brain back there," Blue commented snarkily, standing up from his sitting position. Rose gave him the middle finger.

"Alright, girls, we will be there in a second. Jonathan is kinda choking on his bow-tie," Colin shouted, helping Jonathan out of his situation.


"There is a President. I think it's a male, but I'm not for sure. They control everything. They're more of a dictator, but they go by the title of President," Elizabeth explained to everyone, shaking her head slowly. "I can't believe your parents haven't told you. Not you guys who aren't involved in government, but the leaders' kids."

Aria, Blue, Jess, Jewel, Wolf, and Colin scoffed and shook their heads.

"Rose, why wouldn't Mom tell us?" Spafina questioned, looking at Rosalie in hopes of answers. Rosalie stuttered, unsure of how to answer her.

"Anyway, that's all I need to say. Good night, guys," Elizabeth dismissed, disappearing into her room.

"Well then. How about we go have some fun?" Jonathan suggested. Elizabeth stepped back into the room.

"That sounds wrong," Rosalie stated.

Colin and Jewel agreed with her. Chase rolled his eyes and facepalmed in disappointment. "Fuck, Rose. Seriously?"

She smirked. "What?"

"Guys, we should go to this place!" Aria called out, pointing at her phone. "It's an arcade!"

"Isn't it like 8:00?" Wolf asked, skeptical and desperate to get out of going.

"Who cares?" Aria shrugged, "Let's go!"

"Hm. As long as I get to mess someone up," Rose sighed, agreeing to the plan.

"I'll beat anyone in any shooting game. I call it right now!" Blue challenged. Wolf and Colin glanced at him with disbelief.


  "So you're all Sagittarius?" the security guard asked. "Haven't seen you here before..."

  "Yeah, we're all Sagittarius,"Jonathan answered quickly, smiling a friendly smile.

"Alright. Don't cause any trouble for us, newcomers."

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