That was the end

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Okay, I didn't give everyone a good explanation why I ended it. I have run out of motivation. I didn't run out of ideas; I still had a plan, but I lacked the skills, time, and patience to write. School is getting a little bit more intense and stressful for me, making me too tired to write more. I feel like I should let everyone know.

What I Wanted To Happen Originally :

•The kids start fighting, start being prejudiced
•Kids start becoming friends, realize they can't see each other after week is over
•Try to change the law, after parents refuse, kids rebel
•Kids find an entire underground community who wants to get rid of the zodiac government
•Kids start planning
•Kids accidentally start a war between signs
•States begin fighting
•Eventually, the states reunite, meaning the end of the war, but some beloved characters have died

What I Wanted To Happen After The Most Recent Chapter:

I was going to have them stay down there for a two weeks to a month, then a hostile group of people (I was debating whether it should be the Rebels or the people who bombed shit or just some random aggressive people) would open their bunker and drag them off to some sort of prison or camp, I don't know. And it would probably end there while the US goes to shit. 🤷🏻‍♀️

I'm sorry I lost my motivation to continue the book. I will pick up Ring Around the Rosies in a while (or not, still debating) and I will come up with new ideas after that. It will probably be in the summer or somewhere around there because, again, school is making me not want to write.

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