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"Pink is a beautiful color, because it is one of the colors that the sun makes at twilight and in the dawns." - C. JoyBell C. ]

If you thought about it long enough, the human brain will take apart a situation and categorize it to make it more understandable. Certain colors are the same way: the brain puts them in a section to further sepaate them from each other and other things. So most people associate the color pink to that of a little girl. Hospitals wrap baby girls in pink or give them a pink hat, signaling they are a girl. For some reason they put a gender on colors.

Jungkook wasn't someone to really care about gender roles so he didn't understand why pink was specifically for girls. Even so he didn't really think men could look good in that color. It was very soft and could wash out a pale face (one reason he never wore it). It wasn't like it was a bad color, it just didn't really fit.

He was preparing his house because Seokjin insisted on coming over and spending the night with him. He suggested a movie night with popcorn, but Jungkook didn't like all the butter so they decided on chocolate-covered fruits. Jungkook wanted to look good (for whatever reason that was) so he put on the best outfit he had which was all black. He sat down on his couch and waited for Seokjin. Once he received a text he told him to come up and he waited by the door, opening it when he heard the knock.

Upon opening the door, he was met with the most alluring man to ever step foot in his home. Seokjin gave him a wide smile but the younger's eyes were set on his outfit. He wore pink. He was wearing the one color Jungkook didn't think a man could pull of, and he was pulling it off. Not only was he wearing the color, it was as if the color was him.

"See something you like?" Seokjin joked, walking into the room more. "I came here for strawberries dipped in chocolate, not your googly eye fest." Jungkook shook from transfixion of the color and looked at Seokjin, giving him a small smile.

"Right, well... the fruit is in the kitchen. You can grab it while I set up the movie." Seokjin nodded and did as told as Jungkook went to his TV. This allowed his thoughts to go awry. How could someone like Seokjin take his breath away upon glance in pink? This was never a thought that came to mind but now that he had seen it he never wanted to unsee.

Turning the movie on he joined Seokjin on the couch where they sat close together. The beginning credits rolled and Seokjin was already invested, but Jungkook was having a hard time focusing on it. Every time he looked at the older male an irregular feeling filled his chest, making him feel as if he were riding a rollercoaster and he was constantly going down the large hills. Did this mean he had feelings for Seokjin? He didn't have much to compare to, considering he never felt this way with Jimin. It was always sour and he was blinded; he never felt a pounding quite like this before.

Therewas a possibility that it was just because Seokjin looked absolutely stunning in the outfit he was wearing. He was a man of interesting taste and fashion, so it was not a big surprise that he'd wear something like this. It was more of that the color looked so beautiful on him. He was radiating a prodigious amount of allure and poise that he couldn't remove his eyes from him. Or... the possibility that stands as well is that Jungkook is simply lonely. He'd been out of a relationship for a while, and the warm touches was what he craved, so he thought he needed it from Seokjin.

He didn't like him. He was just looking for a rebound; someone to take his mind off of things. He was sure of it. He didn't like Seokjin at all. Seokjin was his dear friend and relationships ended badly for Jungkook. He didn't like him. No. Not at all.

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