What's Your Name Again?

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*Ant's pov*

After you read this, there is absolutely no doubt from my part that you will sure and positively think that I'm sick - sick beyond repair - and the truth is I can't really blame you. I can't, and I surely won't. I've done terrible, unforgivable things for which I've taken full responsibility now, and for which I'm paying with tears, and yet, I don't believe they're worth mentioning since what I'm about to tell you is far greater than all my crimes in the past.

After reading this, whether you think I'm the biggest pervert on earth and that I used my teacher role to take advantage of him, I can hardly care. Things actually started out that way, but soon enough, they morphed into a far more complicated puzzle I found myself pretty much unable to solve.

But please, allow me to tell the story from the very beginning.

I have to admit it; the first time I saw him, I knew right away I had to fuck him.

I knew since the very first moment I laid eyes on him that I wanted to have that precious little thing in my bed at all costs, no matter what. No matter how many times I've swore to myself I wouldn't do it again.

Stephen was supposed to be my last one. The stereo-typical 'lad', I'd call him arrogant and impulsively violent; always picking on the weaker kids. Also, he really thought himself a ladies' man...stupid as hell too. Pretty but stupid, so I thought I'd teach him a lesson, and not exactly an English lesson.

"I hate all you faggots!" I heard him once say to one of the poor kids he used to bully around for absolutely no reason at all, without even knowing if he was gay or not. However, once I worked my magic on him, he was begging for me to fuck him. And fuck him I did. The pictures I took of him in such compromising positions were all it took for him to keep his mouth shut. Now and again he still tried to get close to me, but it was useless. I had completely lost all interest in him. Stephen meant nothing to me. I didn't give two shits about him, or any of the others that willingly fell into my arms after some little gifts and a bit of sweet talk. But with him...with him, it was different.

It all started out that insignificant day he came into my office while I was innocently grading papers with the purpose of discussing something related to his English class.
I hadn't seen one like him in quite a long time: thin, lean body, gorgeous face, sexy lips, but what captivated me the most were those big, bright blue-green eyes. They gave away what he was so desperately trying to hide behind that fake smile, and that's when I thought he was going to be one of my easiest ones. Little did I know there wasn't anything easy about him.

Standing right in front of me, dressed simply in worn jeans and a black t-shirt, I could see his mouth moving and the sound of his sweet voice was resounding on my ears. However, no meaning in his speech could actually get to my brain, for all I could think of was a number of unspeakable acts I'd like him to perform just for me, most of them including the use of those plump red lips of his.

"Mr. McPartlin?" He suddenly called for my attention.
"I'm listening." I lied.
"Sir, I was wondering if it's possible if-"
"What's your name again?"
He shrieked. "Declan, sir. Declan Donnelly. I- um...I'm in your English class." He stuttered nervously. I almost felt bad for him. Almost.
"Yes, yes. I know who you are." Lying again, "What I don't know yet is exactly what you are wasting my time for?"
He lowered his sight and let out a small sigh. "It's about the book report on 'Mrs. Dalloway' due next Friday, sir."
"Aye. What about it." I was fumbling with the stack of papers on my desk, pretending not to pay more attention to him than absolutely needed. I couldn't have him guessing about my intentions now, could I?

He remained silent for a moment before breathing in and out again. I was carefully watching him out of the corner of my eye and I noticed his hands were beginning to shake. Still not daring to look up at me, he muttered, "Sir, I was wondering if you could give me an extension on the project."

I smiled to myself. I needed to think up the perfect and most careful way to handle this golden opportunity.

"Take a seat, Declan." I waited until he did. "Can you please tell me the reason you haven't finished a task that was assigned nearly two weeks ago?"
"Hmm, sir, my other teachers are a bit too demanding, and I have been so busy lately with my other school work that I just haven't been able to-"
"Yeah, yeah, blah, blah, blah. I assume you're aware of the fact that it would be very unfair for the students who turn their papers on time, aren't you?"
"Yes, sir, I know, but-"
"In that case, you also know that I can't make any exceptions."
"Sir, I'm begging you. Please, I can't fail this subject!
"Then turn your paper on time, Mr. Donnelly."

I dismissed him without another word and returned to my work, but it didn't take me long to realise it was impossible for me to concentrate. Truth is, I couldn't get that boy off my mind even hours after he had left. He wasn't like any of the others I'd had, and if I didn't think my dick was the one talking, I may have even said he was special.

It was then that my elaborated plan to get my pretty little student into my bed started to take form. I kept thinking how easy it should be.

Mind you, he was the kind of student that usually goes unnoticed, even for quite an attentive teacher such as me. I couldn't quite recall having seen that gorgeous face before, and I had to check my registers over and over again until I finally found his name in one of my early classes. There wasn't a single red mark on it; he always arrived on time, good grades, turned in his homework on time, and it still didn't ring any bell. Therefore, it wasn't all that difficult to figure out who I was dealing with.

He was surely the kind of student that moves around school trying to stay invisible; the kind that picks his seat in the corner to avoid all human contact; speaking only when absolutely necessary and exclusively to certain people, most of them teachers. The reason? I didn't know, but I sure as hell wanted to find out.

I knew perfectly well that he was lying about the reason he hadn't finished his book report, and for a brief minute I even started to believe the way I treated him was a bit too harsh, but it wouldn't have worked if it had been any other way.

I have to admit that not long after he had closed the door behind him, I started having second thoughts about the whole idea. Then I found myself daydreaming about him, picturing his beautiful face again, which had never happened; nobody ever had had that effect on me. If there was still any consciousness left in me, that little voice telling me not to do it, it vanished completely in that exact same moment.

In fact, I could hardly wait to see him again. I could hardly wait to put my plan in action, and I found myself wishing it was Friday already.  

Thanks for reading! This is the first fic I've written for this pairing so all feedback is appreciated :)

Also I have nothing against Stephen and I love him really but I needed someone to be the baddy.

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