You're A Thousand Times More Addictive

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Standing in the middle of the empty hallway, I let out a deep sigh. The word "hurtful" didn't even begin to describe what could be read on Declan's locker. It wasn't only the words that could make you shiver; just looking at the scene for a moment would make you realise how every element combined with the next one to make the it even more hideous.

I tried to think things through for a while and yet, I couldn't figure out exactly how Stephen and his entourage of idiots had done it, but my first guess was that they'd sneaked out of class and stole the spray paint from the art classroom to arrange what they so cynically called a 'prank'. What made it even more disturbing were the several dozens of scattered razor blades lying on the floor which must have fallen from inside the locker when Dec opened it. They didn't make any sense until you read what was written on the cold, metallic surface in bright red.

"This time get it right, loser."

I suddenly started to feel nauseous.


Located right behind the tall, concrete buildings of the school was a wide and solitary football field in which no one ever really practised sport. A fire drill or two every year was all the action the field would see. Normally, couples would take advantage of the emptiness of this place to have a little time together, but due to the extremely cold weather at this time of the year, not a single soul could be spotted anywhere around.

That is where I finally found Dec after having searched for hours. I was completely sure that he hadn't gone home, and I knew that he was too proud to come to me; therefore, I found myself walking and checking every damn corner of that fucking school without any kind of success.

It was then that I recalled Professor Cowell's words. If everybody knew what had happened; inside school, where everybody was, would be the last place Dec would want to be. It turned out I was right.

He was sitting on the very corner of the field, behind a tree, with his knees up to his chin and his hands covering his face. He was as used to dealing with Stephen's shit as just about everybody in school, but this time around, it had got too personal, too hateful, and I couldn't help but feeling directly responsible for what had happened since everything started the day Stephen realised I was paying "special" attention to Dec.

"How did you find me?" He asked turning his back to me as I sat beside him, but I had already noticed the uncontrollable trembling of his body.
"My crystal ball told me you might be here."
"Did it also tell you what happened?"
"It's a only crystal ball, Dec; you cannot expect too much from it."
"Yeah, well... Apparently you can't expect a lot from people at this school either."
"Not even from me?"

Declan didn't answer at first. He didn't make a move nor a sound for a little while, and I started to wonder whether I should take his silence as a no. Then he turned to face me, and as soon as my eyes met his, I could notice the swelling tears that were threatening to run down his beautiful face at any minute. Dec breathed in and out repeatedly, trying hard to control himself in order to speak. "We both know you're the only one who actually gives a fuck about me" he told me.

No, I couldn't just shrug it off. Dec's shaky voice was capable of warming up my insides and touch the depths of my soul in a way nothing else could. I instinctively got closer and took his face between my hands. "It's way more than that, Declan." I then surrounded him with my arms as he placed his head on my chest and began to sob quietly.

My heart began to ache as I desperately tried to find a way to make him feel better; to make it all go away. I held him for what seemed like an eternity, just stroking his hair or pressing loving kisses to his forehead until the tears cascading down his coloured cheeks started to subside.

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