There's One Last Thing I Want You To Know

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What started out as a passionate, heated kiss slowly started to fade away, losing strength with every tired movement of our facial muscles until it became nothing more than a comfortable embrace; we certainly were not ready for anything else considering how rough things had gotten for the two of us in the last couple of weeks.

The silence was comfortable too; Dec was now curled up against me while lazily playing with my fingers, and every now and then I would lift his chin and seek his lips with mine to press them together in a tender kiss, but he hardly said a word. For my part, I had been waiting so long for this to happen that every moment with him seemed to taste even sweeter than the last one, and therefore, I too, decided that the only thing words would be good for was to ruin the inner peace that had started to grow somewhere in my soul after God knows how long of being trapped underneath these emotions that overwhelmed my entire being. Needless to say, this new feeling was far too satisfying to give it up.

I knew that sooner or later Dec and I would be forced to come out of our much desired fantasy world because there was still a number of questions that remained unanswered, most of them concerning not only the feelings we seemed to have towards each other, but also Declan's home life, his even more worrying self-harm issues and last but not least, the situation with Stephen Mulhern.

Yes, at any given moment, we would be back to face every day's reality once again, but we preferred not to talk about it for the moment. For the moment, there was an unspoken understatement of enjoying each and every single second together, and that's exactly what we were going to do.

"It feels really good, you know?" Dec cooed in my ear all of a sudden; his hot breath making me shiver as soon as it made contact with my skin.
"What does?"
He paused and bit his lip. "The way you kiss me." He said finally.
"Well, come here and show me how much you like it."

A tiny giggle came out from his mouth as he wrapped his slender fingers around my shoulders for support before he carefully straddled my waist; the burning heat coming from his body enveloped me like a warm wave of summer air and my hands started shaking. He took my face and licked his lips seductively as he pulled me closer and closer towards him. Our lips touched for what must have been the millionth time that afternoon, but it was just as thrilling as the very first one, and a thousand times better that any kiss I'd had before.

"Oh, Declan..." I cried a bit louder than necessary as his palm sneaked its way down my shirt and slid all over my naked chest.
"I like it better when you call me baby."

Closing the gap between us once again, his tongue caressed my lower lip, forcing my mouth open before gingerly delving in. He moaned softly once he felt my hands that were now grasping his hips to keep him in place; I kissed him harder; it was his turn to gasp in surprise and I laughed silently inside.

Just like before, we ended up surrounding each other with our arms entwined together and Dec's mouth gently massaging the sensitive spots on my neck; the kisses started to fade away one more time as well as my baby's consciousness. The next moment, he fell asleep while still holding me.


Around half an hour went away like a sigh. The bedroom soon began to fill with strangely-shaped shadows as the last sun rays of the day crept through the closed shutters; it was getting late and cold. I pulled a blanket over Declan's sleeping form to protect him from the chilly air that had now started to create goose bumps on his flesh; then I wriggled away as steadily as possible to not wake him as I attempted to open the top drawer of the night stand and get myself a cigarette. No sooner had I placed it between my lips, than Dec stirred uncomfortably beside me, so I decided to go sit by the window to avoid any unnecessary disturbances.

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