Right On Time

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I'm not going to lie - I wasn't lying before and I'm not about to start at this point of my story _ never in my life had I been so intrigued by someone before with so little interaction. What I'm trying to say is: all Declan Donnelly had to do was walk into my office with his sweet personality and sexy looks to have me fantasising about him all damn night long.

Truth is, despite my first impression of him, the little fucker was really special; it didn't take me long to figure it out.


Since we were in the middle of December, it was a cold Friday morning. It was about ten to seven when I parked my car at my usual spot and turned off the engine. I grabbed my bags, then directed toward the main entrance; I hadn't been walking long when I noticed a dark figure sitting on the concrete steps. Crouched over an old-looking book, was my sweet Declan, so concentrated on his reading that he didn't even realise I was standing right next to him until he heard my voice.

"Right on time, as usual, Mr. Donnelly." As if I had been keeping record, but my comment probably made Declan think I actually had been.
He looked up, startled. "Good morning, sir," he closed his book and stood up at once.
"What were you reading? Anything good?" We started walking together toward the double wooden doors.
"Aye, J.D. Salinger's 'The Catcher in the Rye', sir," he said humbly.
"Interesting choice. Excellent taste."

His frozen cheeks acquired a bright pink colour that contrasted with his naturally pale complexion; his perfect eyes looked down to the floor again in order to hide it, but it was far too late to hide it from me, and that embarrassed him even more. "Thanks, sir. He's my favourite writer."

The hallway resembled a river with all the students hurrying to avoid being late, moving in every possible direction which, in time, served as the perfect excuse for me to get close to him. "I'll take a mental note of that," I told him. Then, I swear to God I just couldn't help myself. I couldn't help wrapping my arm around his delicate shoulders, just to satisfy my hunger for him a little bit. Just to feel him close at least for a split second, even if there was no time at all to take in any details such as the warmth of his body, the sweet scent of his hair, anything.

I felt him flinch at once...but then...then he did something that left me absolutely dazed.

He didn't get away from me. No, he instead looked up and flashed me the sweetest smile I had even seen instead...

"See you in class, Declan."

Regaining myself just in time, I let go of him and walked toward the teacher's lounge that was located right in front of us, luckily for me. Only after reaching into my pockets for my keys, did I notice the frowning boy leaning against the door frame. It was Stephen giving me the coldest look I'd ever gotten. It didn't escape my eye the way he looked at Declan either. He remained silent, but his piercing blue eyes were saying enough as they followed his small, delicate figure disappearing among all the people rushing here and there to get to their early classes.

"Out of my way, Stephen."

He stepped away and I opened the door just to slam it noisily behind me. Finally, I was able to take a deep breath and readjust the tie around my neck that had been suffocating me for the past few minutes.

In any other case, with any other person, I know perfectly well that I would have been in total control of myself. I had done it a number of times before. Declan was far from being my first, and I wasn't used to making any kind of mistakes. Oh no, I was usually careful enough to let my objective make the first move for obvious reasons, and only at the right time in the right place. But like I just said, this specific objective could cause quite an effect on me.

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