Untitled Part 1

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fragmentary idea(s): 

a world. 

a particular land, in this world,

where miracles fall out of the sky. 


certain beings of power (rulers/heros/lords/kings? timelord(-like?)? human-like in physical form?), of a particular race/civilisation, from elsewhere in space & time (the future?), when they die, they materialise in the sky over this world, & fall to the ground.  with whatever clothing & accoutrements they have with them at the time (burial regalia? stuff they had when they died?) 

-what relative velocities? with no synching up, the bodies could zoom off in any direction & @ very high speeds... so they appear in the sky (upper atmosphere, edge of space-ish?) with zero/matching/identical  velocity relative to the ground-level? they'd drift a little as they fall then, & the planet rotates...  non-orbittal but geostationary (i.e.: matching velocity for the altitude?) so they drop straight down (not counting winds)?  velocity-matching with something IN the ground? or something else @ that location, that is the "anchor" drawing them there...?  

(do/get an illustration for this; of one of these beings falling from the sky - cover art?) 

the cause of this phenomenon is unknown/to be determined.  (a funeral ritual? like that startrek voyager episode? a natural action that happens when these beings die? & why this particular location?)

the people of this land, in this world (again, human-form? less advanced) find them ("fallen angels"?), & recover various bits & pieces from the bodies.  technology, & other stuff.

(what do they do with the bodies?) 

there is a class of people on this world, in this land, (rulers) priests?) who are able to dimly perceive the future/other things. ?  telepaths, or something.  ? 

...now, what can i do with this bit of story-idea material? 

something dr. who -ish?

something douglas adams, terry pratchet, terry nation, red dwarf, quatermass - ish or ...?

or what? 



space burial - more detailed description

- x-time after death A wormhole space time something-whatever - _ it IS materisliseS andor de-materialises ? sucking/s up the body (of these x- persons/beings? lords or ordinary people/everybody of the species/culture &/or etc.,!?) & whatever is (loose?) there immediately with it (what iF the body is secured?) & then takes it to the skies above this place (plain/valley?) on /above/over this planet, up on the edgr of the atmosphere/space. @ zero velocity/neutral velocity relative to the ground there ? so it all just drops? not @  orbital velocities ?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2021 ⏰

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