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Later on in the day around 10pm Bro comes to my room and said "Get dressed I'm ready to get fucked up." I quickly get dressed and go outside where Bro is waiting for me. As we walked down to the bar I lit a cigarette. "Ya still smoke, huh?" Bro said quietly. I let out a puff of smoke and say "Yeah...". We stood quiet the rest of the walk. By the time we get to the bar I already had gotten rid of my cigarette. Bro and I head inside and order drinks. Bro and I decide to order vodka (100 proof the good stuff). After 3 and half drinks...Im totally fucked up. Bro was only able to drink 2 and a half. We leave the bar around midnight. I stumble along the sidewalk with Bro. "Are ya good? Cause I definitely am~!" I say with the biggest drunken smile. Bro dies of laughter "No youre not~." We finally get home. Bro had to carry me up the steps while he was drunk off his ass cause I couldn't walk for shit. Bro lays me in my bed and stumbles to his. I get up out of my bed and go to Bro's room. Bro was laying down in his bed. I stumble to his bed and sit on his bed. "What are you doing~?" I ask. Bro sits up "I dunno~." I climb on Bro's lap and wrap my arms around his neck. "What are ya doin?" Bro asked. I tossed my shades on to his dresser and reply "Nothing." Bro chuckles softly and asks "Ya know I love ya, right?" I smile softly and say "Yeah...but you have no idea how much I love you...". "Yes I do." Bro replies. "I know exactly how you feel about me~" He whispers into my ear. I blush I light shade of red and say "Shut it, you know nothin old man." Bro kisses me softly and I kiss back. I can feel him smiling while we kiss. He pulls away and says "I know nothin, huh?"

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