For a while Dave has been dealing with depression. Dave tends to find bad ways with dealing with his depression. Bro still is watching out for Dave cause he worries that something bad will happen to him cause of the ways he deals with things. What m...
I woke up feeling like shit. Although I woke up earlier than I normally do. It's only 3pm. I roll out of bed and shower. When I get out I pick one of my signature 'edgy teen' looking outfits. My shirt was a baggy long sleeved black and white shirt with stripes on the elbows. My jeans were my basic, black, ripped skinny jeans. My jacket was a black and white MCR varsity jacket with a big white spider on the back and my all black Chuck's. I remembered that Rose had gotten me a choker for my last birthday. Our chokers matched with each other. They were Yin and Yang. I had Yang((White)) and she had Yin((Black)).
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After I got dressed I went to Bro's room and told him I was leaving and that I would text him. He just nodded and gestured me to go. I got into my car and started driving down to Rose and Jade's place. I parked my car when I got to the park. I sat in my car for a moment and prayed that Saffron didn't bring John. I got out of my car and walked into the park. I could see Saffron under the pavilion in the middle of the park. I went over to the pavilion, sat down and said "Now, what do want?" She smirked and spoke in a sweet voice "Listen... Apparently you've been on John's mind lately. He's at Rose and Jade's place right now. I'm gonna tell you this only once...stay the fuck away from him cause he's mine." I thought for a second and said "I don't even talk to John anymore though. So I'm on his mind but his choice." She gave me a sort of death stare and said "Like I said...he's mine." I rolled my eyes behind my shades and left. After a few minutes I finally get to the girls house. I sit in my car for a few minutes. I don't understand why John would be thinking about me. Of all people me?