Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

"What the hell, how the hell and why the hell, Brad" I tried for strong but it all came out spluttered.

Gazing around the room I saw a nursery fit for the most important baby in the world. I completely bypassed Erica, from Dexters nursery, in the room and focused on the magazine perfect cot, change table and dresser. The word 'Beautiful' doesn't go near to describing how wonderful the pieces were, exactly to my taste as well, vintage and mix matched but perfectly complementary to each other.

Next I saw the stack of wooden toys set in a pile with a large bow on top, with the toys Dexter had taken strewn over the floor leading to a dressing room.  wandering into the dressing room I took in the cowboy outfits and mechanic get-up sat along side the designer toddler clothes.

it was after touching the gentle fabrics that I felt Brads presence behind me in the door way,

"I don't understand" "I..." ok now I sounded breathless and girly, I really needed to get a grip.

"Ok I'll answer 'what the hell' first, its a room for Dexter and his nanny to stay until your well enough to return to your appartment" a nervous trepidation played in his voice.

Ok I needed that grip now, what nanny and did he do this for me?

"The 'how the hell' is easy to answer,  money Orla" a smirk now replaced the earlier trepidation,  great he thinks I'm falling for this.

"The 'why the hell' I need to take in two parts" ok a smirk was now quickly being replaced with cocky smile, I think I preferred nervous.

"One" he said making his point by raising a finger. "Because I, caused by your own stupidity, managed to hurt you, I now need to put that right. This is how I can ensure you remain here until that is put right"

'Put that right', it sounded like a business transaction gone wrong rather that a car accident. I jutted my good hip out and jabbed my hand on it in a 'what now' statement.

"And two" raising his second finger his eyes connected with mine and then both our eyes followed his fingers as he slowly ran both up my arm from elbow up along my exposed collar bone and neck until he tipped my chin up to force my eyes to reconnect with his.

"Because I can" He bore down into my eyes. It drew me in closer. He could see what his little statement did to me.

Ah fuck how can this power thing be so attractive. As soon as they play the power thing, I turn to mush. Grow some Orla!

"Is that right, well you forgot something" his head tipped and the cockyness disappeared

"Is that so" he whispered

"You didn't ask me" Fuck Orla don't fall for this.

"I did, told you I wouldn't let you out my sight until I was sure you were alright" he actually sounded like he thought his telling was an asking.

"Told, not asked"

Thud. His knees hit the floor.

"Please Ms Young, stay with me" he mockingly pleaded. "and Dexter until you are better, he's already agreed. He was sold on the idea as soon as I showed him the sweety tin"

"He's 2, he will agree to anything if you show him a single sweet" I couldn't help the slight giggle in my voice.

Brad clung to my legs "Please Ms don't leave me alone with the boy, he will have me bankrupted and in the gutter with a belly full of sugary snacks by Thursday"

"Ok I agree to stay as long as you both agree to go cold turkey on the sweets"

"Yes"  Brad stood still with a firm grasp of my legs. I found myself over his shoulder as he returned to Dexter "we did it boy, just need to go to the Sugary snacks anonymous meetings and we're sorted"

"Erica will stay until the nanny is settled but first we need to get you back to bed before you change your mind"

Waving at a contented Dexter, being carried to bed by a hansome rich man. Yep, my day was starting to turn good.

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