Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Brad returned me to the bedroom and flung me on to the bed, following my body he ended up half straddling my legs. His head on my belly, gazing up at me.

"One small thing Brad" I smiled, "what will you do with all the stuff once we are gone? It's only a matter of time before they will be no longer needed"

"Ah, that" Brad inched his way up my body coming to rest on his side, beside me.

"Well I went to the apartment listed on your drivers licence and either, well" he sighed " you don't live there or your son doesn't" He lifted his head to try to see my reaction in my eyes.

Ok deep breath, I slowly sat myself up and hugged my knees.

"Ah, that" I struggled to control my composure. " we live there, its just... well I save for Dexters future, babies don't need much and it's me and him alone in the world. I need to plan for his future"

"What about his dad?" He asked gently.

Brad joined me in sitting and slowly swirled his finger tips around my back, soothing me.

"His dad gives us money, but I don't know for how long, he doesn't see Dex. Never has" I slowly turned my head to face him, but instead of seeing pity or disgust at my situation, I saw compassion and empathy in his eyes.

"He's stupid, who would leave his wife and child? Who would leave you?. If you were my wife I would one with you, it would be physically impossible to separate us." Shit that was deep and sexy, I needed to lighten the mood before I jumped him.

"Well, here in this generation, we don't need to be man and wife to have a child, old man." I nudged his shoulder and lingered, before I moved away he lazily draped his arm over my shoulder, twiddling my hair between his fingers.

"I still wouldn't leave you, ever"

"The items in Dexters room are yours to do as you please" Brad announced breaking our moment.

"I will pay you back, even though it is your fault I'm here, I don't want you to be out of pocket" Shit I can't pay him back, why did I say that!?

A deep chuckle resonated through the air. "I have no need for a toddlers possessions nor for your money, call it compensation"

"Please accept something for them? I don't like owing anyone" why won't my mouth shut up.

"Well in that case you also have a dent in a rather expensive car owing" his face turned unreadable, was he serious. Great work Orla!

"Oh, I" his lip twitched "you... don't play me like that, I'm injured. Play fair" I sulked Flopping backwards.

"I do have a favour to ask in return for my hospitality and dented car" Brad followed me back down on the bed. "ask away" I flung my arms out to show my ease.

"I have an art show coming up, will you be in it?" Is eyes were flickering side to side, searching for my answer.

"Your an artist"

"Kind of, its a masked show. No one knows its me, I won't know who comes to view and they won't know who you are either." "Its a secret passion of mine and I would like you to be in it"

"Explain 'in it'"

"Its a live event, you are the art. The concept is 'beneath, there is real beauty'" Brads eyes lit up in that 'grand passion' kind of way.

"Explain, what I would be doing, wearing" I said trying digest this new dimension to Brad.

"You will be motionless, on your knees, face tilted up. You will be your naturally stunning self with liquid PVC dripped, painted and encasing you." He spoke as if he saw it "Want you to be my beautiful lady breaking through the misconceptions of BDSM and showing the strength and power of the slave."

"Please consider it, I need you to do it. You are the most amazing, heart stoppingly beautiful and strong lady I have ever met."

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