Chapter 11

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I panic, did he plan on seeing us or just find us here, now. What is he doing in the park? Looking out further than the boundaries of the park I realise how built up the area actually is. Then I notice all the others in suits around the park. It must be lunch time in the business world.

"James, I ... what... what are you doing here? I stumble.

"I think the question is what are you doing here? You know part of the agreement is that the child is kept away from the circles I move in." He spits "any look what I see here, the cleaners child is clearly spending time with one of the richest people in those circles" "did you plan to upset our agreement?"

"James no, NO, you know I dont." I plead trying to gain eye contact but his gaze is still focused on Dee "I would never try to change things, look I'll just go"

As I make to leave James forcefully graps my arm and pulls me back down. Please dont look over Brad.

"You know the rules Orla, if for a moment I even hear of that child I will pull everything. I can't have a child with the PA, oh no your not even that now are you? Your the cleaner and your trying to fool Brad into playing happy families, dont worry I'll put a stop to that plan" he spits and then releases my arm.

James is so different from the man I had a relationship with, his hatred of Dee seems to have multiplied since I last heard from him. The guy doesnt even look the same as before. While I always thought Dee had his features, he seems so different that those family features seem lost on him now. James isnt the same guy mentally or physically.

I propel myself towards Dee and then remember Brad. Composing myself I wait to watch for a moment more. Dee looks so happy, as does Brad. Why cant James see this, things could have been so different. Brad hasn't even asked about my job, but with James it defines my being and condemns Dee to being fatherless.

"So boys, hate to interrupt but dont we have a school to see?" I breeze

Brad looks up and makes his way to me. "Dont worry about school, we can do that anytime. You look pale, lets go home." With that he scoops me up "come on Dex, home time" "yay home" he squeals as I go to scream at the shock of being lifted up. Then I remember, James. He might still be around.

Back at the car I notice James is still sat on the bench watching us. As Brad helps Dee in the car and tightens his seatbelt I look back at James who is still scowling at us. His own son can't lift a smile while Brad is beaming at a child he knows nothing about. I sit with Dee in the back and before I know it we are both asleep.

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