Chapter 10

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Hi, first off I need to apologise this has taken so long. I write on a tablet which was struggling but finally gave up the ghost a while ago, making it impossible to update and then life got in the way. On the up side its alot clearer in my mind what I want to write  so hopefully that should mean quicker updates. Thank you to those who have stuck with me. Hello to my new followers and Thankyou so much for the likes and comments,  while unable to respond they still pinged through on my phone and hearing each one is fantastic.

I had to test out my new tablet so heres a quick update, I should have another one within the week.


The smell from the coffee pot stirred me from my sleep. The hand slowly, rhythmically circling my cheek slows as I open my eyes. They immediately connect with Brad. The air feels charged, the moment intimate. I try to look away but the connection is too strong. "Morning Hunny, coffee's arrived. God your so beautiful in the mornings" he chirps. Something about how he delivers the greeting stops me from being embarrassed and makes me suspicious. I look over to find Marni pouring the coffee, he's winding her up.  I smile, his playfulness reminds me of fun times I've left behind.

"Why thank you dearest" I respond matching his tactic with my own. Two can play at that game. Our eyes remain connected as I hear Marni leave the room. Dee is in a deep slumber between us.

"Hes amazing" Brad murmurs, as if he cant quite beleive what he's sayjng.

"He is" I reply simply.

"And so are you" he adds louder this time. His eyes delve into my mind, searching for signs that I believe him, as if ne needs reassurance that he can say things like that.

Embarrassment gets the better of me and I look away, breaking our eye contact. I hear a loud sigh.  "Sorry Brad its been so long since I believed words like that, I cant" I stop I can't explain. Feeling so lost in the world its impossible to see amazing, I just about cope, amazing is reserved for those who can do well. I only just manage to survive.

"I know you dont believe me now but let me show you" I whispered so softly I wasnt sure if he was saying the worlds or if his eyes told me.

"I want to show you how amazing you are, I want to show you what the world sees when they look at beautiful you but first I want to show you how amazing Orla Young is" his eyes scaled me with their intensity "I have a house in the countryside,  I use it for business. Will you join me at a business dinner there and I can show you how the amazing Orla Young can work a room"

"I can't work a room, not anymore.  Especially not like this" I notion to my left side.

"Informal, I want you to see how great you are but I dont want to push you. An informal supper will show you without stretching you."

"Tell me when and I'll be there" I say resigned to the fact that Brad will do what he wants anyway.

"Tonight" Brad responds apprehensively "I have an get tovether organised for tonight and I don't want to leave you in town alone anyway. I had already made arrangments to take you bo, You might as well have supper with us too, if you feel up to it?" He added.

"Fine, Dee comes too. And don't expect much," I say half pleading, business isnt something I've even thought about since having Dee.

After a shower and I dress. Dr Monroe arrives to inject me with pain relief and brief Brad on signs that I'm struggling. Then I get ready to go see Dees new nursery school. No change that, his school for now, while we're at Brads, things will return to normal just as soon as I'm better.

Dee excitedly shows me 'his new blue car' I glare at Brad as he explains its part of the 'compensation' package. Yeah 'cause a great big stonking car like this would fit in round where we live! Not that I could afford to run it even. This man doesn't live in the real world.

In the car Dee and Brad chat excitedly about the new school. The excitement starts to rub off on me and I agree to see the park close to the school first. Despite my weakened state, Dees excitment gives me the energy I'm lacking to extend the outing to the park.

At the park Brad, despite his suit, transfers into dad of the year. Showing Dee the tunnels and swings. Finding bugs and chasing Dee around the park while I watch on from the bench enjoying the idilic image and sounds of my childs utter happiness before me. This continues long after the half hour we had planned and no one seems to want it to end. Until suddenly I feel uncomfortable, I suddenly feel the bench creek as someone joins me. The urge to scoop Dee up and run becomes so great I begin to dart off the bench only to find a hand stopping me, a hand I knew so well.

"James" I say in confirmation.

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