Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

After Brad asked me to be involved with his art show he gently held my hand up to his lips and softly kissed my index finger, then placed my finger on my lips in a 'shh' motion. "Please consider" he whispered and placed another kiss on my forehead before smoothly retreating from the bed and room.

Before I could process what just happened, I found myself in a vivid dream. A dream where Dexter is dirty and hungry in the cold world, everyone passing him by, I am not gone from his life, only unable to care for him. I leap from my dream into the present and find Brad positioned next to me on the bed. "Morning" his mega watt smile had returned and was even more dazzling this morning, my head pounded I could feel my cheek had swollen more overnight.

"Morn...ggrh" I covered my head with the bed sheets.

"Next time you plan to run me down, at least get a car that bounces, will you?!" I grumbled through the covers.

"Yerh, about that, the cars bullet proof, you didn't make a scratch. Try harder when attacking cars with your bike" boomed his voice.

I peaked out to see Brad 5cm from my face. "I'm sorry, how you feeling? I can get Dr Monroe back to give you something?" The concern on his face showed his remorse.

"I'm good I just need Dexter and a large coffee and I'll be 100%" I smiled weakly.  "Coffee I can do" he grabbed his phone and typed "Dexter I can't" he returned his gaze to me "its 10.30 his Nanny, Rose, and Erica have taken him to nursery." "But I can do this" he turned his phone round to show a video of Dexter getting into a Range Rover beaming. His favourite car, what 2 year old doesn't like a big blue car with a dvd player in the head rests. He smiled at the camera, "Bye Braddy, bye Mummy. See you soon" and then blew a kiss out the window.

"Thank you" I mouthed just as I heard a knock on the door.

Brad rose up as I sort comfort under the covers. "Come in, Marni"

In walked an immaculately dressed lady in her late 30's. Must be his wife then.

"Ms Young I have the Coffee you requested" she said making her way to a table a chairs by the window. As I tried to work out how I had requested it.

"Thank you Marni, I will be leaving soon. Take care of our house guests" He left the bed to take over Marni's pouring of the coffee.

Soon Brad explained Marni was his housekeeper and cook. She organised him in every aspect apart from business where a team of PAs attended to him.

"She is desperate for me to find a wife to take over from her" he shook his head. " She is aware that you are here to re-cooperate after an accident I had witnessed but seems to have you pegged as a possible spouse" he grinned. "Don't encourage her" he handed me a mug of black coffee "she'll have us married and you barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen before the days out if you let her imagination fly" He tipped the mug in my hands and took a sip. "Gotta go, your phone is on the side, call Marni for anything, Dr Monroes numbers in there too, and mine" he kissed my forehead. "I'll collect Dexter at 3 and we will see you this afternoon. He made his way to the door. Brad openned the door "oh and Orla, try to be a little less 'tetchy' when texting poor Marni here" he grinned as he slowly shook his head. As I reached for my phone he was gone.

The phone on the bed side table wasn't mine. I found a post it note on top of a brand spangly new phone.

It read,

Orla, You cracked your screen, so I replaced it. B Xx

I hate to tell him but the cracking wasn't from a bullet proof car but a small boy he had invited into his home, that would probably wreak the same havoc here.

Checking the sent messages,

COFFEE,  BLACK,  NOW read the text. Great work Braddy boy, Marni is gonna spit in everything now.

I noticed nothing was said about the art show, maybe my newly swollen face had changed his mind.

I slowly ease myself out of bed to search for Marni, I need to smooth things over and needed to get to Mrs Sanders appartment before lunch, else the woman would be there and I would never finish before Dexter returned.

I force myself on to my feet I feel a shooting pain rise up out of the floor and radiate through my left side of my body. Most normal people would stop now but in my 'mums can get through anything, pain is no barrier.' Mentality I urge my body to stand. That mum mentality worked for 2.8 seconds before the pain took hold and I slipped into the dark once more. I could hear Marni  call out "Ms Young, the doctor is on her way and Mr..." The darkness took me under.

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