Chapter 3

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I felt myself begin to shake, it must have been the shock of the crash. My mystery man held me tighter. It was then I realised he was whispering quietly to himself

"Please be ok" "I'm so sorry, please be ok" "I can't have hurt her"

I raised my head to give a reassuring smile. He may have run me over but I still didn't want him to worry.

The apartment was different from the others, its was more homely and less clinical than the others. The walls are pale blue, the floors are a honey wood and the soft furnishings were beautiful.

Mr Mystery snatched up a soft crochet blanket from the back of a chair and walked effortlessly into the bedroom.

I felt him lower me to the bed but his arms remained wrapped round me, I winced with the pain as my body touched the bed. When I opened my I eyes I find Mr Mystery staring straight into my eyes, searching through my pain to gauge my anger or any sign I would leave if he let go of me.

"Hey Miss 'not looking where she is going' how you feeling?"

"Sore erm, I need to be somewhere, I don't think this was a good idea" "please Mr..."


"Brad let me go, I swear I'm fine"

"I will take care of the somewhere you need to be and be sure you are fine before I let you out of my sight"

"Brad thats very kind but I can't..."

Brads pleading eyes searched mine once more "tell me I'll take care of it"

"My son" "I need to collect my son" and go to the next clients home.

"Sorted, where is he? I shall make arrangements for him to be collected and brought here. If I do that will you allow a doctor to take a look at you?"

With a weak smile and a slow nod I gave him the nurserys number. He set down my legs and reached for his phone. "Yes I have Miss..."

"Orla, my names Orla Young" he smiled at me and whispered "beautiful name Orla"

"Yes Miss Youngs son"


"I will have a car collect Dexter, Miss Young is unable to collect" He informed them and handed the phone to me to agree the plan with the nursery. I had little choice but to agree, I knew I wasn't in a fit state to collect him and had no one else to ask.

After finishing his call he returned his full attetion to me, "Orla I will take care of this, of you, of Dexter, please rest until the Doctor arrives" he brushed my hair away from my head, gently stoked my cheek and hushed me slowly to sleep.

I stirred some time later to find "Brad" sat on the other side of the bed.

"Good your awake, Dr Monroe is waiting, then I have a interesting little boy to visit you"

"He's here" I crocked, my voice sounding dry. I wondered how long I had slept.

After a check over from Dr Monroe, she provided me with pain-killers and some tablets to help with my swollen side. But otherwise I had no broken bones, I just needed time to heal. The tablets I could do, the prescribed bed rest was another matter.

As soon as the doctor left the room, I could hear the unmistakable squeal of my toddler down the hall. Moments later Brad stuck his head around the door "ready" breezed and then laughed at my over energetic nodding, ow that hurt.

Dexter squished himself between Brad and the door frame in typical toddler 'take the direct route rather than the easiest' style. And then ran over towards the bed, Brad a second behind. After Dexter scrabbled at the bed Brad lifted him up and sat him in the middle of the bed. "Careful now Master Young your mummy's hurt"

"Hurt, mummy, how" Dexter looked at me confused.

I looked up at Brad who was now walking round the bed "a bad man wasn't looking where he was going"

"And silly mummy wasn't looking out for cars" Brad added quickly. I looked over to find Brad lying on the bed, on is side with his head propped up on his arm.

I leaned in and whispered playfully "oh yerh, my fault?!" And met his lazy grin with a raised eyebrow.

"Yep, if your gonna insist on looking that hot you need to be more careful. A man can be easily distracted" he kept his gaze on Dexter but turned his head towards me, slowly he allowed his eyes to wander over my body before meeting my gaze and mirroring my raised eyebrow. "Come on Mr Young lets show Mummy your room"

With that Dexter lept from between us and out into the hallway, Brad a second later, lifted me from the bed and effortlessly carried me behind Dee. "I can walk you know" I scolded him.

"No you can't, listen to the good doctor when she prescribes bed rest" He replied without breaking his stride.

"Thats not intended literally" I softened my scolding to a lute warm exasperation.

My annoyance left me completely once I met his gaze "what do you think?"

"I...I...I don't understand"

"Stay, stay with me."

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