Chapter 16- Verdict

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Lily's Pov

Today was the day we get to find out if they are guilty or not. I did the same routine as yesterdays but with a blue pencil skirt and white shirt and black heels.

Today's outfit

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Today's outfit

We left at the same time, but arrived earlier to talk to our lawyer again.

" I think this case is ours." He stated

" I hope so." I retorted. After an hour of talking we were let in to the court room. We sat down and court started.

" Will the jury please discuss their answer and then give it to the officer." The judge told the jury. The jury left and discussed their verdict for 20 minutes. They walked back in and my heart started racing.

" The jury has come to a verdict." One of the men said and gave the policeman a envelope. The officer handed it to the judge.

" The jury has found the Johnstons... Guilty of kidnapping, sexual assault, domestic abuse." The judge said. I wanted to jump up and give every single on of the members of the jury a hug. " They have each been sentenced to 35 years without the possibility of parol." She finished. I felt like a huge wait had been lifted of my entire body. My dad jumped up and gave me a hug. I started to cry my feelings out.

" We won, Mija." He exclaimed. " You don't need to cry." He reassured me.

" I am crying tears of happiness. I don't have to seem for a long time." I explained my tears.

" Yes Mija now lets go thank everyone." Vanessa ushered us to the jury.

" Thank you so much. You don't know how much this means to me." I thanked everyone.

" We saw you shaking when he walked in. We could tell they had defiantly done something." One of them explained.

" Why did it take you so long to deliberate?" I asked them.

" We were trying to figure out how long their sentencing should be. We weren't trying to figure out if they were guilty or not. We just couldn't figure out a good sentencing time." A woman explained.

" Wow. That means so much to me. I thank you with all my heart. Can I give you all a hug?" I asked them. They all nodded in agreement and I gave them hugs. With that we left to go home. This was the third best day of my life. Third because first was when Lin adopted me and second was when my sisters were born. I had to feel sort of guilty for the long sentencing, but they definitely deserved it.


Short but the reason it is short becaus eI wanted this chapter to just be the verdict and everybody's reaction I hope you like it.

How was your day?

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