Chapter 5- Surprise

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Lin's Pov

**** Five months Later****

" Lily get out here we have got to go!" I yelled to Lily.

" I am coming hold on." Lily yelled back.

" Vanessa are you okay?" I asked after I heard the bathroom door slam.

" Yeah I just don't feel good." Vanessa replied.

"Ok we are leaving then." I yelled at her.

"Bye honey be safe." Vanessa yelled back.

" Lily are you coming?" I asked.

" Yes" She said while walking out of her room. We haven't seen her foster family in awhile, but I think she is still worried about them coming back.

Lily's Pov

Lin and I walked out of the door. I have been scared ever since Lin started fostering me that they were going to come back. I always delay leving the house because I think I am going to bump right into them.

" Hello Lily" I heard someone say as we walked out to the theatre. I screamed louder than I ever have in my life the minute I realized who they were.
" LINNNNNNN!" I screamed.

" GET AWAY FROM HER!" Lin yelled at them. Mr. Johnston tried to grab me, but Lin punched him.

" GET AWAY FROM ME!" I yelled at Mr. Johnston. Jackson had his turn at trying to grab me, but I kicked him where it hurts and he doubled over in pain.

" HOW DARE YOU DO THAT!" Mr. Johnston yelled at me and lunged at me, but was stopped when police grabbed him and Jackson and put them in the police car.

" Thank you Lin." I thanked him when he was done talking to the police.

" No problem Niñita." He replied. I was on the verge of calling him dad before that but I thought he was going to get mad at me so I didn't.

" Hey Lin." I called after him.

" Yes" Lin replied

" Is it ok if I start to call you..." I was cut off

" Omg yes of course you can call me dad." He answered before I could finish. I ran over to him and gave him a big hug.

" Thank you" I whispered.

Vanessa's Pov

After Lin and Lily left I walked with Sebby to the Drug Store. I havent been feeling to well recently so I have a feeling I know what it is. We walked in and I put Seb in the cart and we walked to the pre-natal section. I grabbed a box and checked out. We walked back home.

" Ok Sebby I want you to put this shirt on." I said as I gave Seb a shirt. He ran off to his room and I called Lin.

" Hey" Lin answered

" Hey can I come pick up Lily I got something for her." I explained

" Yeah but she is a little shaken up from something that just happened." He said then explained what happened.

" Ok I am coming to get her." I said as I hung up.

" Mommy look." Seb said as he walked out of his room with the shirt on.

" You look awesome Seb." I complimented him

" I know" He smartmouthed back at me. He is just like his father I thought.

" Ok Mr. I always look awesome we got to go get in the car we have to go get sissy." I told him still shocked about what he said.

" Yay Sissy." He said excitedly. We got in the car and a little while later we arrived at the theatre. 

" Hey Lin we're here." I yelled when we arrived.

" Lily Vanessa's here for you." Lin yelled after Lily.

" Ok." Lily said while walking to the lobby.

" You ready?" I asked when she got to the lobby.

" Yup lets go." She replied.

" Hey look at Seb's shirt." I told her.

"  Oh my gosh are you for real." She asked.

" Read out loud." I told her.

" I am going to be a big brother." She read out loud what was on Seb's shirt.

" Yes he is and you are going to be a big sister. Again"

" You aren't going to give me up." Lily asked.

" Of course not." I reassured her.

" You are not really you're not."
She asked still unsure

" Of course not sweetheart me and Lin have been discussing adopting you if you want." I said and she looked up at me with a shocked look.

" Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes please," She squealed," I would love to be."

" Ok then but I have got a pink shirt like Seb's but says big sister and I want you to put it on when we get home so we can surprise Lin."

" Ok" She replied as we left. When we got home she put the shirt on and we waited for Lin to get home.

" Honey I am home." Lin exclaimed when he got home.

" Hey the kids have something to show you." I told him, " Kids come out." I asked them. They walked out with there pink and blue shirts on.

" I am going to be a..." Lin read out loud. He stopped and stared at me.

" Big brother and big sister." Seb and Lily said in unision.

" Surprise." I said


I would like to give a shoutout to flyingthroughthewind thanks for following me and go read his/her books Begin again and her/ his Adopted by Hamilton book.

Hope you had a good day BYYYYEEEEE

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