Chapter 27 - Results

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Lin's POV

"We have your daughter's results." The nurse began.

"What's wrong?" Vanessa asked.

"I am sorry to tell you this." The nurse looked down. "Your daughter has Acute Lymphocytic Leukmia. Stage 1. Very early on"

"My daughter has cancer?" I looked at her in shock. Vanessa started to cry into my shoulder." Can we see her?"

"Yes. Follow me." The nurse started towards a room." She is awake. We haven't told her yet. Would you like to tell her?"

"Sure. Thank you doctor." I walked into the room beside the bed.

"Dad, is everything okay?" Lily looked at me with tears in her eyes.

"Umm. No, not really. You have leukmia. I am sorry baby. I am so so sorry." I walked over to her bed and kissed her head as a tear fell onto her head." Baby I love you so much. I am so sorry this is happening."

"Dad am I going to die? I don't want to die. Please dad. I don't want to die. Please. Dad please." Lily cried in her bed. I felt helpless. I don't want my girl to die. She can't die. I love her so much. Tears streamed down my face as I looked at her. I love my baby girl. I can't have her die. It hurts to see her like this.

"I promise you won't die. We'll make sure you won't die. We'll give you all the help you need. I promise baby. You won't die. It won't let you die. I would never." I hugged her. I pressed the button on her bed that calls for a doctor.

As soon as the doctor arrived I asked for help. "Where can we get treatment?"

"We can find local children's hosptial or a cancer treatment center which ever one works best for your family." The doctor handed nme a list of local hospitals and treatment centers.

"Can we go home soon to go over this with Lily, because I want her to have an input on where she stays because she will be there for a while?" Vanessa asked the doctor sniffing a little bit.

"She can go home soon, but she will need to be place into a center soon. If you would like to go home for a little bit than you can come back to get her and tour some centers and hospitals." The doctor walked out of the room.

"I am going to go home. You can stay with Lily." Vanessa grabs her purse.

"Okay. Goodbye. Love you." I waved at her. I sat in the hospital chair. Soon I dozed off.

I am sorry. Please don't kill me
Hey at least I updated, right?
Ok thats what I thought.
Well anyway I am tired, so I will be going to bed soon

Adopted by Lin Manuel MirandaWhere stories live. Discover now