Chapter 26 - What Happened?

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Lily's Pov

I ran to my room to get my clothes on. I walked over to my phone and texted Aaron real quick. I walked ovee to the closet. I had been feeling a little sick all day, but I got super dizzy. Before I knew it I was out.

Lin's Pov

I found Lily and picked her up. I grabbed my keys and phone and headed to the hospital. Once I was in the car I realized it would have been easier to call an ambulance. I rushed as much as I can and finally arrived. I rushed her inside and called for a doctor.

"I need help!" I yelled in the lobby. A nurse rushed over to us and grabbed her. He rushed her onto a gurney and inti an exam room. I walked over and sat on a chair and called Vanessa.

*Vanessa  *Lin

Hey. We have a problen

What's Wrong?

Lily just randomly passed out and she hit her head on her closet door.

Which hospital are you at?


I'll be there in 15. Bye love you

Love you too.

I hung up and slouched back. All of a sudden a wave of reporters showed up. They all started asking me the same thing. What happened to her?

"I don't know what happened! Would you please leave me alone? I have more important things to be worrying about than answering your questions." I got up and walked to the bathroom. I took a deep breath and splashed water on my face. I suck my head out to see if the reporters were gone. Once they were I went back and sat in the same spot as before. I sat there and tapped my finger on the wooden part of the chair. Soon after Vanessa finally showed up. We waited and waited until a nurse finally walked out.

"We have your daughter's results." The nurse started.

Haha I left you with a cliffhanger
But I finally updated
Yay for me and you I guess
Sorry it's short.
Sorry for the huge gaps inbetween updates. I need to fix that
Welp bye

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