Chapter 32 - Let Me Down Slowly

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Sebastian's POV

Everyone was sad. Mommy was sad. Daddy was sad. Abuelo and Abuela were sad. I was standing by Mommy as she was by Lily. Mommy was crying while holding Lily's hand. Lily looked like she was sleeping. I didn't know why everyone was so sad about Lily sleeping.

When Mommy was done looking at Lily, I kissed her on the forehead and we walked back to Daddy. There were a lot of people in the room. Mommy and Daddy's friends. Lily's friends. Even Lily's really good friend Aaron. Abuela walked up to my and picked me up. She was also crying. She brought me back into the room where Lily was sleeping. Mommy and daddy didn't follow us though.

They stayed in the room as Abuela set me on one of the chairs. Abuelo had Emma and Jayda in chairs beside him. I turned around and saw Daddy hugging Mommy as she cried. I didnt know why they were sad. Mommy said we can't take home Lily. Maybe that's why. Finally mommy and daddy came back and brought me to the chairs in the front. A man walked to the front of the room, beside Lily, and started talking.

"We are here today not to mourn Lily's death, but to celebrate her life. She was bright, young woman, would have grown up to be a wonderful woman. She would have grown up to do amazing things. Enough said from me, first were going to let Lin, Lily's father, come up and speak about her." The man finished. I looked at daddy as he got up and stood where the man used to be.

"Um, I wrote something, but I'm just going to speak from my heart. Lily was a wonderful daughter. I wish I had told her that more. She was always hard on herself. She had a really tough life before she came to us. I really wish she had more in the beginning than she did." Dad paused for a minute and took a deep breath." Vanessa and I tried to give her the best rest of her life. None of us expected her to be gone so soon. I wished we had more time with her. I wish there was something we could have done. All of that aside, she's better now. She doesn't have to lay in a hospital bed twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. She's healthy now. I really miss her. Vanessa really misses her. Sebastian misses her. The time she was in the hospital he kept asking when Lily was coming home." Daddy wiped tears from his eyes as a sob escaped his throat." Enough from me. I'll let Vanessa come speak now." Daddy crumpled up the paper in his hand and walked back over to me and mommy. He gave her a hug and a kiss on her head then sat down.

I looked at him and asked him a question." Daddy, why are you so sad?" I whispered to him. Mommy started to talk about Lily in the distance.

"Mijito," He started, putting me in his lap," Remember when Lily was really sick?" I nodded." Well, that sickness put Lily into a deep sleep." He said, crying more.

"But why are you so sad over Lily sleeping?" I didn't understand it. If she's just sleeping, she'll wake up.

"Because, we'll never get see her again." His words didn't make sense. I decided not to ask anymore questions when I saw how sad he was. He put my arms around him and hugged him. By now Mommy was almost done talking.

"She truly left an impact on everyone she met. I'll never meet another person quite like her. I'll miss her everyday of my life. I'll make sure I raise my youngest daughters to be just like she was. That's all I have." Mommy started to walk back to me and Daddy. Daddy stood up and hugged mommy really tight. Mommy was crying a lot into Daddy's chest.

They stayed like that for awhile, until daddy let go and walked over to where Lily was. He and a few other people, like Abuelo, Aaron, and a couple of Lily's other friends, picked up the box Lily was in. They took her to a hole in the ground outside. Why are they taking her to a hole?

They placed her on a thing above the whole and stepped back. Daddy nodded at the man and the man started to lower the box into the hole.

"Daddy, why are they putting Lily in the hole?!" I asked him in a panic." Daddy! Why are they putting her in the ground?!" Daddy picked me up and looked at me.

"Mijito, Lily has to go in the ground." He tried to explain.

"Why?! I don't want her to go! Why can't we just take her home?!" I hadn't noticed, but everyone was looking at me. Maybe I was being loud, I didn't notice.

"Seb-" He tried to tell me something, but I interrupted him.

"You can't put her in the hole! She needs to go home with us! Daddy you can't let them do that! We need to bring her home!" I had started crying.

"Sebastian! We can't bring Lily home! She died Sebastian! That means she can't be with us! She has to go in the ground!" Daddy sort of yelled to get my attention.

"She'll never be able to come home?" I asked softly.

"No. Never. She isn't with us anymore." I hugged daddy's neck and cried.

Lin's Pov

I looked around at everyone as Sebastian hugged me. Vanessa had her hand over her mouth and was sobbing. Everyone had sad expressions on their faces at the scene that just happened. I didn't know he would act that way towards them putting the coffin in the ground.

2 months later

We have slightly adjusted to not having Lily around. Sebastian still asks when she's coming home. That's usually the worst of it. Except for when I see things that remind me of her. I was scrolling through twitter and saw a particularly saddening tweet. It was from Lily's funeral. We tried to keep her funeral private, but some press found out. They somehow got pictures and tweeted, posted, shared, anything they could. When I saw it, of course the tears started flowing.

Those are usually the hardest parts. I just tell myself, she's better now. The days leading up to her death she was sicker than before. She couldn't even sip water she was so weak. Now I know she isn't suffering.

There's a poem I once saw. I really didn't understand it at the time. I get it now. The first time I saw it, I was at the happiest point of my life. Vanessa had just had the twins and Lily was doing great. I recently saw it again, and I finally got the meaning behind it. After losing Lily I finally figured out what true loss was. I had never really experienced it before then. Now I do.

They say there is a reason,
They say that time will heal,
But neither time nor reason,
Will change the way I feel,

No-one knows the heartache,
That lies behind my smile,
No-one knows how many times,
I have broken down and cried,

I want to tell you something,
So there won't be any doubt,
You're so wonderful to think of,
But so hard to be without.

~Author Unknown

Well that was it
The last chapter
It's over
I really enjoyed writing this book. It's going to be really bittersweet posting this
This book has really changed how I write
It's insane to go back and see how terrible of a writer I was when I started writing
Thank you guys for sticking through
I may or may not go back and edit my earlier chapters and make huge changes to this book
Let me know if I should
Welp, thanks for coming on this ride with me
You guys really inspired me

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