Chapter 29 - Treatment

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Lily's Pov

I was discharged from the hospital and we were referred to a couple treatment centers. We got in the car and drove to the first one. On the way I stared at the window, thinking of what could happen to me. I touched my long brunette hair. I put them in braids this morning and made it look the best it could. A stray tear fell from my face. I quickly wiped it away as we arrived.

We walked in and met with the receptionist. She took us back to meet with the doctor. He quickly introduced himself.

"I'm Dr. James Carter, but just call me James. I heard you have Luekemia?" He looked at me. I nodded and looked at the ground, " Well we try to make every one of our patients stays here comfortable. For you specific form of cancer we will give you Chemo, you will need to stay the night, then you will be discharged the next day." I nodded not looking up.

"That sounds great. We will call if we have any questions." Lin shook the doctor's hand and walked out. I quickly followed him out. I got in the car and pulled out my phone. I checked it, per usual nothing. Vanessa put the kids in their car seats and got in the passengers side.

"What did you think about that one?" Vanessa asked.

"Its okay." I half whispered half mumbled.

"Lily, are you okay?" Lin asks. In my mind I scream, obviously I'm not okay. I just got diagnosed with cancer. How would you be? Of course I didn't. I really wanted to. This whole situation is so stressful. I think I'm gonna die, my whole body hurts, and Lin wants me to focus on picking a treatment center.

"Not really, but I'll be fine I guess." I replied looking out the window. Again a stray tear rolled down my fave. Ugh, I hate emotions. I quickly wiped it away, hoping I don't burst out in full blown tears.

"Baby Girl, if you need to talk you know you can." Lin told me. I know I could, I just didn't feel it necesarry.

"I'm fine." I snapped. Right on time we reached the apartment building. I jumped out and went in the elevator. Thank god I had my key to the apartment with me. I opened it up and slammed the door as I walked into my room. I jumped onto my bed and bust out in tears.

Lin's Pov

When Lily jumped out I sat there for a second. Finally I jumped out of the car and ran into tbe building. I went into the elevator and pressed our floor. I anxiously waited for it to open up. When it did I ran out and ran to our apartment. I opened the unlocked door and walked to Lily's room. As I walked up I heard quiet sobs and whimpers.

I knocked on the door, " Hey kiddo, its me." I got a sob in response. I opened the door walked in. I saw her on her bed so I walked over and sat on the edge.

"Talk to me Baby Girl." I looked at her. She looked at me with puffy red eyes as she wiped a tear off her face. I reached up and used my thumb to wipe the tear that came from the other eye.

"I'm so stressed. I just got diagnosed with cancer, everything hurts,  I'm going to lose my hair, and I can't focus. I know I need to find a treatment center, but I just can't focus." A few more tears rolled down her face. I pushed a stray hair behind her ear.

"Baby girl I know you're stressed. I am too. You just need to keep calm. We're going to figure everything out, just one step at a time. I promise." I kissed her on the cheek and spread my arms for a hug. She accepted and smiled.

"I love you Dad." She looked at me.

"I love you too."

Whoop Whoop I updated y'all
Yes, really it's an actual update.
Insane, right?
Anyway I hoped you like
I enjoyed writing it
Sorry I was gone
I've been busy preparing to give a speech to a bunch of people
The speech is on creative writing 😂
Well thanks for reading, I'll try to update more. I promise

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