Chapter Two

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Now guys this chapter is dedicated to my dear friend NehaKedar

Abhi's POV:-

"Aren't you excited?" I asked Vinod excitedly.

"Yeah of course. I am really excited to die." He said dugging his head under his hand.

"What the fuck!" I exclaimed seeing him in that annoying position.

"What the fuck! Seriously A.V.? You bloody slowl the car down or I am seriously gonna puke." Screamed Vinod.

I knew that Vinod was scared of death but that doesn't mean that I will leave my urge for speed and specially my Bugatti Veyron EB 16.4 . I applied the sudden break as we had reached the University premises and the car jumped making Vinod clunch down closing his eyes. After entering the parking lot, I drove smoothly as it was restricted to drive above 10kms per hour speed.

We got off the car and Vinod ran to the restroom. May be to puke.

As soon as I killed the engine and got off the car, Arun, Brittney and Shaurya ran to me. They took my backpack from inside my car and followed me to our regular spot at the University lawn.

I went and sat on the stairway where we used to sit regularly and spot girls and I used to pick up the hottest girl for the night's entertainment.

"So! Freshmens are already here?" Asked I to Shaurya.

"Yes bro! And good news many hot stuffs are here." Said Shaurya with a smirk as he whispered near my ear.

"I see." Trailed I.

Then from no where, I saw Vinod running towards me. He rushed to me and informed, "Abhi! Cool dude! I just saw two super hot stuffs near the auditorium. C'mon lets have a look." Said he.

"Girls come to Abhi Nizam Qureshi, A.V. A.V. never goes hunting girls." Said I with style.

"As you say." Said Vinod. "I am surely going to grab my girl." Said he as he turned around to go but instead he froze to his spot.

He looked at me and then said pointing towards two really hot stuff who were walking at a distance from us. I looked at the girls and my eyes fell to this girl wearing a tight navy blue coloured sleaveless which barely reached her waist and a green coloured pensil skirt. A band of her skin from her waist was visible. She was indeed hot and it gave me a feeling which I had never felt before. I kept on staring at her naked waist but I didn't at all urge to bump on the bed with her. It was kind a different feeling.

Vinod's POV :-

I saw Abhi staring at the girl with the blue top. So I decided to go for the other girl with her wearing a florescent green coloured top and a blue jeans mini skirt. Her hair was straight and light brown in colour.

I walked to her in my cool attire. Unbuttoning a few buttons at the upper part of my sky blue shirt, revealing a part of my bare chest. I walked to her and tapped her shoulder. She immediately looked back at me.

"Hi! I'm Vinod. Vinod Khanna. You must be knowing me. Well I'm quite popular in this University. May I help you in anyway?" Asked I flirtyly.

"Well you must be  the Vinod Khanna right?" Said she flirtyly too.

Yo! My plan was working.

"Umm. Yes!" Said I with a smirk.

"Okay! So you are the constant Chamcha (helping hand) of Abhi Nizam Qureshi, the son of Adil Nizam Qureshi." Said she with a wide grin.

My ego, flirt, heart, or whatever you think, just got shattered into pieces. I was left dumb. What Chamcha! Seriously?

She sterted laughing at my dumbness. Her friend who was standing beside her also laughed at this comment of her's.

I left with my face down and my ego? Oh! I never knew where my ego vanished.

As I walked to where Abhi was sitting, I heard her voice again calling me from the back. I stopped at my tracks. I jumped from within but I decided to act out. So I turned at her with closed eyes and showed out that I was angry and put my palm infront of her and said, "Just stop it. No need to say sorry or appologised."

"Umm. Why should I appologised? I just came to give you back your phone which you dropped there while flirting." Said she.

Then she looked at Abhi and said to him, "Do take care of you girlfriend he is dropping thing now and then."

Abhi nodded in a yes and grinned at me. As soon as she left, Abhi and the others bursted out laughing.

"What the hell bro?" Said I discusted.

Abhi held his stomach and struggled from his laughing and said, "Not bro! Didn't you hear what she just said? You are my girlfriend and so I must be your boyfriend."

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