Chapter Four

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This chapter is dedicated to my dear friend Parizaade.

Abhi's POV :-

Vinod just made my day today! (sarcasm). Today the first thing that he did in the morning was to embarass himself in front of a freshmen year's girl which being his mate cost me. Now the two girls would just spread the news around the University and I can't just guess what will happen to my prestige in this University. Gosh!

"Why did you laugh at me?" Vinod screamed from my back. I was heading towards my class and was really angry on him. I felt like thrashing him to the ground. But yet I controlled my rage as he was my best friend or shall I say my only friend.

" Abhi! I'm speaking to you." He shouted pulling me by my collar.

Now this was too much for me. I hate people when the hold me by my collar or say a word against me. And this time I could control myself no more. I landed over him with a punch at his face and he punched me back in defence and so a thrashing fight started and the guys around us came to pull us apart but he had been too irky to get into my nerves and I was not going to leave him that day.

 I landed over him with a punch at his face and he punched me back in defence and so a thrashing fight started and the guys around us came to pull us apart but he had been too irky to get into my nerves and I was not going to leave him that day

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"What the hell! From when did friends strat to fight?" I heard a voice from my back say and as expected it was the nerd of the year, Krish Chaturvedi.

Vinod backed off as Krish was the son of the dean of the University and we could get into a great problem then. Though Krish was a friendly guy but still I had a really bad encounter with him in my past days at college.


"Umm! Hi. I am Krish, Krish Chaturvedi. May I know your name?" Asked Krish politely.

"Abhi. Abhi Nizam Qureshi." Said I not showing any interest in him. I was not a type of guy who would love mixing up with people. Since my childhood, I was a shy boy which with time developed to be my worst fact, now I developed to be a boy who can't probably talk to any person properly and when he tries to communicate, he is misunderstood to be rude. And so I love being by myself.

"Umm. Are you really Abhi Nizam Qureshi?" Asked he again.

"Yeah! Do you have any problem with that?" Asked I irritated.

"Don't just get angry. Like sitting beside such a big man's son is a big deal. So." Said he with his that typical nerdy style.

Big man's son. This thing serious irked me and I bursted out.

"See I may be a Big man's son but I myself am not anyone to be cared about okay? Don't go partially with me." I said straight away.

"Sorry." Said he and I quitened down as the lecturer entered the class and I opened my laptop to start my assignment.

A few hours later, I clashed with a guy who was looking at a book and walking through the middle of the corridor.

He simply ignored me and walked away whereas I was not at all at fault and I still appologised. Now this would make anyone angryand I bursted out into a fight with him. Suddenly from no where, I heard this voice saying, "There will be no solution fighting. Settled it down with peace."

I say backed off realising the fact. Krish smiled at me and walked away and so did the other boys around. I started to walk away by gathering my stuff in place and just then, I felt a bash on my nose and my vision got dotted. I held my nose in pain. Just within a second, there was another few bashes and I landed up on the floor. I was unaware of the fact that the boy with whom I got into a fight, was the son of a local gangster and it was his gangster bodyguards who took revenge on me. But I was lucky that I had my undercover bodyguards in college who saved me that day from more harm.

The next day, I landed up with a broken nose and could hardly talk due to the bandages on my nose. And the worst thing was that my father called me a bastard because I got into a fight with a gangster.

I was sitting in a classroom when I saw the face which enraged me.

"Hey Abhi! Settled it down?" He asked with a stupid smile on his face.

Can't you see the bandages on my nose? Looks like I was having a settlement meeting? I thought to myself sarcastically.

"You moron!" I screamed and bursted out on him which resulted in a week's suspension for me and a few of my father's scoldings.

End of Flashback

I stopped at my tracks and felt a punch on my cheek which bled immediately.

"Are you serious?" I uttered to myself.

Just then a really hot girl walked in spot. I knew that girl. She was Vinod's younger sister.

"Bhai! What are you trying to do? See you just hurt Abhi!" Exclaimed she as she walked to me and placed one of her palms on the left side of my chest and the other on the cheek on which I was wounded.

"Ah!" I cried although it didn't hurt  me. I was in mood to take this girl on my bed. She is too sexy.

"Did it hurt Abhi? I'm sorry." Said she seductively.

"Yeah very much." I said yet acting that I was really hurt.

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