Chapter Nine

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Vinod's POV:-

Going out with friends? May be with his tonight's fuck. God this boy! I thought to myself. The second after, my mind connected it all. Vani was back home, Vaidehi was found near the farmhouse and Abhi was not at home. Abhi's fuck was Vaidehi? Then why should she run on the road, insane?

The next moment I got my mind cleared as I heard Adil uncle say, "God damn! This boy! Why doesn't he pick up the phone?"

I called up Abhi.

" deeeear friend....." He trailed.

He was drunk.

"Abhi! What did you do with Vaidehi?" I asked sternly.

"Hahaha...I am a devil!!! Abhi Nizam Qureshi is a devil." He sang.

I needed to rush to him or else he had the capability to do anything when he gets wasted.

I rushed to the farmhouse to see him sitting on his bed drinking and cutting his wrist with the glass from another broken bottle. He saw me and came to me tumbling on his legs. He hugged me and started to say, "You see I am the greatest devil on earth. Greatest. I am mad! Boo."

I held him and threw him to his bed as he laughed out loud and took another big gulp from his bottle.

"What did you do to Vaidehi?" I shouted at him.

He laughed a divilish laugh and rested his head on the headrest of the bed and said, "I tried to rape her. I became the devil today. I became that devil who took away Sia from me. I became that devil. I became that devil."

By saying so, he broke the bottle in his hand and took the broken piece of glass and was going to strike it on his wrist when I stopped him from doing so and hit him hard at the back of his head which made him unconscious. This was a mere trick which I learned at a jungle camping session during school days. This would make a person loose his senses for an hour or two.

I made hi lay down on the bed and left the farmhouse.

He tried to rape Vaidehi? Now this is too much. I need to inform this to uncle. He has gone too far from his borders.

Abhi's POV:-

I woke up with the sunlight falling on my eyes. It burned. I had this hangover pain so badly. I tried to raise my head but it was too heavy. I saw the painkillers kept on the bedside table. I took one of them and gulped it down. I don't remember who kept that painkiller there but I remembered that I had forced Vaidehi to bed. My head started to hurt more but I shrugged all the pain aside and got up on my feet and headed home. I got freshened up and decided to call up Vinod and ask about her whereabouts. At the first ring only I cut the phone.

Why do I even care?

The very next moment, Vinod called back.

"Hey buddy!" I said.

"Hello." He said with a serious voice.

"Hey what happened? Why so serious? Didn't your date go well yesterday?" Asked I.

"If you would had let it to." Said he again sternly.

What did I do last night that spoiled his date? Did I call him up and shout at him? What did I do? What did I do? C'mon why is it not coming? Shit!

"What did I do last night? I seriously don't know." I said.

"Oh! You don't even remember? That's simply great. You tried to rape Vaidehi!" He screamed.

How did he get to know that?

"How did you get to know that?" I whispered.

"How did I get to know that? You tried to rape someone Abhi. It's not a matter of joke. Do you understand the depth of the situation even? For you she is in this condition. I knew that my friend was a bit too bent on the sex factor but I never thought that you could hurt someone for your pleasure. She landed up in the hospital for you." Said he.

The phone dropped from my hand. But how can it be? I never touched her. Then did someone in the road? How could I be so stupid? It was late at night and I just left a girl alone and that too the place was also not good. Shit!

I felt myself numb.

"Hello! Abhi! Are you there?" Vinod's voice came from my phone.

" she?" I asked stammering. I felt my hands shaking. My throat dry up. I felt it hard to breathe. I felt that someone was holding my neck by his hands and trying to choke me to death. My vision started to black out.

"Your father's multispeciality centre." Said Vinod.

I kept the phone immediately. I rushed to the car and drove in the most horrible way I could. I almost ran into many cars and skipped many red signals. The only thing going in my mind was Nothing should happen to her. Nothing. If something would happen to her, I'll never be able to forgive myself. Never.

The first thing I received as I reached the hospital was my father's hard slap. It was the first time in my life that he slapped me. I did deserve it.

"You! I never thought that you would turn out to be this. I pampered you with everything possible on earth. I did never deny any of your wants. I always wanted you to be happy. And this is what you gave me in return? Do you have any good thing left in you? I am ashamed of you. I hate you. For you today my head fell down. I hate to call you my son." Screamed my father as his eyes showed complete hate and betrayal.

The last lines of his banged in my ears repeatedly. I took a few steps back.

I deserve this. I deserve only this. Even I deserve worse than this.

I looked throught the glass hole of the ICU's door at Vaidehi who was lying unconscious on the hospital bed. I was responsible for this. How could I? I turned myself into a complete devil.

I was sitting on the stool beside Vaidehi's bed, her fingers intertwined with mine. I looked at her paled face. She didn't deserve this. I should be the one who should suffer. She had got her arm broken and there was a huge plaster on it. A bandage was wrapped around her forehead.

A drop of water fell on her eye which made her eyes move. I realised that I was crying.

What? Abhi Nizam Qureshi was crying?

Her eyes slowly opened and she looked directly into my eyes. I looked away. I didn't had the guts to face her.

"I'll call D'mitra." I said as I left her hand and was walking away. That's when I felt a weak yet warm grip on my wrist. I turned and looked at my wrist. She held my hand.

"Abhi are you okay? Stop crying." She said weakly.

What? She asked me how I was? I did so much harm to her and she was asking if I was okay? She is too good.

I couldn't control myself. I bursted out crying. "I'm sorry Vaidehi. I'm really sorry. I am a devil. I am really bad. I don't know if I ever desrve your forgiveness."

So guys how was finally our dear Sidlia.😀? Huh? Huh?
Will Abhi turn into a good boy? Or will he still remain that stone hearted guy?
Is Abhi acting in front of his parents to be hurt and is still that devil?
Will Vaidehi forgive him? Or she will play trickey games with him?

Vote, comment and share.

I will again start dedicating the chapters to my friends from next chapter onwards.

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