26 | A Special Treat

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Word Count: 696

     The screen slowly blurred from black into the real world, the camera aimed at a record player. A record was gently placed onto the turn table by Phil's hands, starting to spin as he lowered the needle and stepped away.

     The needle was focused on, watching it smoothly glide across the vinyl grooves, filling the air with classical music. Phil stood in the middle of the lounge, dressed in his casual clothes with the addition of a simple black blazer. Dan entered through the doorway with a flourish. He paused and looked at Phil's outfit. "Wait, we're dressing up for this?" He looked down at his own clothes, not only observing his lack of fanciful clothing but also finding that he wasn't wearing his t-shirt; he was wearing Phil's button-up. "Wow, am I unobservant," he commented, giving it a gentle tug.

     Phil chuckled. "Dan, please."

     "Alright, alright." He reached around the corner and grabbed his silver "disco" blazer, slipping it on quickly. The shot switched to a close-up of the right side of Dan's face as he exhaled and smiled. He walked forward, the shot switching to a perspective shot from over Phil's shoulder once he was half-off screen.

     Dan offered his hand, the shot now hovering over his own shoulder. Phil took it and they became close as Dan led them into a waltz, perceived by a wide shot of them both. Three steps forward, stop, three steps back, turning slightly with each step. Dan soon produced wider and more lavish foot movements, and Phil followed, their steps synchronized.

     Phil then broke their footwork up by removing his hand from Dan's shoulder, and they both separated from one another in a swinging motion, their other hands still intertwined with one another. There were huge grins on each of their faces, their eyes locked in amusement and nostalgia. The shapes of their gems shined from under their clothes but neither bothered to take notice.

     Phil pulled Dan towards him and made his best attempt to dip him. It somehow escaped him that Dan was taller than him now and, by extension, had considerably more mass. Their eyes widened as they both fell towards the floor, their gems shining brighter and their bodies turning to white figures.

     Upon hitting the floor, they became one being in a bright flash of colors. A top shot revealed Dil laying on his back, a tired smile on his lips. His jacket was covered in navy blue sparkles, and the shirt underneath it white with a black heart at its center. Just as the eclipse shirt had, it lacked a solid line around the shape, the heart bled slightly to the sides.

     Dil ran his fingers into his hair and laughed until the screen was once again overcome with darkness. The screen brightened again with Dil standing with PJ to his right. "A huge thanks to PJ for helping me, Dan, and Phil film this video! He's always been helpful and supportive in our ventures!" Dil explained with a clap of his hands.

     PJ took a bow as if he were meeting the queen. Once he stood, he announced, "I'm always happy to help! It's always a pleasure to work with you guys, especially on something so amazing and important!"

     Dil turned to the camera and, using his hands as he spoke, said, "And a monumental thank you to each and everyone one of you out there watching. Without you, we wouldn't be here today talking to you. We love doing YouTube, and, as long as YouTube exists, we'll be here."

     "You can be the literal immortal kings of YouTube!" PJ added with his own hand motion.

     "Ooo!" He blinked three times, Dan and Phil's eye colours briefly making an appearance. "How delightfully wonderful and horribly morbid!" His eyes squinted as he realized what had come out of his mouth.

     PJ's eyes widened, and he laughed, "Wow, okay!"

     "Let's stop here before I say anything else weird." He shook his head and exhaled. "Once again, thank you for being here, PJ and, most importantly, thank all of you!" With a final farewell, a smile and a wave, the video was over.

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