Chapter 1

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Hey guys!

This story will be updated every Saturday afternoon/night.

This was originally a one shot requested by a guest on my Teen Wolf One Shots collection (go check it out if you haven't) where Scott finds out he and Derek are brothers.

Now, this is VERY AU, due to timelines and all that, so let me tell you a couple things before you read this.

1: In this story, Derek was 5-6 ish when the fire happened, not 16 like the cannon.

2: Scott and his dad's relationship is VERY rocky in this story, so if that is not something you wanna read as it will upset you, I wouldn't read this work of mine.

3: this takes place around Sliverfinger and Riddled, then completely goes into it's happy AU world XD.

I hope you enjoy this story, as this is my favorite plot in a while, and guest, this is dedicated to you.

And now, on with the story!

Scott's POV

I could not BELIEVE he had the nerve to come back to put the sheriff out of a job. I stormed into the station, ignoring everyone till I reached where he was going through files and clearly distracted as he glanced up at me.

"Hey, Scott." He muttered, flipping a page of the file to which I responded by slamming my fist on the table to get his attention.

"How could you DO do this to them?!"

"It's nothing personal. Just business, which Noah understands perfectly well.

"They are struggling as it is! The sheriff is drowning in problems, and this is just another thing on the list." I stopped to sit in the chair facing him before looking straight into his eyes. "If it isn't personal, why are you doing this?"

"Cause it's my job, Scott. You're still too young to understand."

"I'm seventeen!"

"I don't want to expose you to the ugliness and dangers of the world. You'll know when you're older."

"Just tell me why you're doing this. No one can understand half the bizarre crap that happens in this town!"

"Especially you. I'm a FBI agent, kiddo. If I can solve it, then he doesn't deserve to be in the position. Now go home before your Mom gets worried."

I was infuriated by this, wanting to explain everything to him, but I also knew he would tell everyone, which would put everyone I love in danger.

"She knows where I am. Why is it the Sheriff's fault that there are a bunch of psychopathic weirdos in this town? I know about the world, " Dad". And he deserves to be Sheriff more than you deserve to be in the FBI! You left Mom and me. Why come back? And to ruin their lives?! Why not someone else?! Why don't you just us all a favor and leave?"

"I've been ordered to temporarily stay here to try and figure out these cases and elect a new sheriff if I can. I get you are mad, but you need to understand that I have to stay, even if you don't want me here."

"Just stay away from my town, my friends, my family and me. And if you DARE get him fired..."

"Hey!" He snapped, which struck me to my core as he demanded. "You owe me respect, Scott!"

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