Chapter 7

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Scott's POV

Derek looked at me with large eyes, before shaking his head.

"You're staying here. You and Melissa."

"Dude, no. I need to save Stiles. Not to mention, she's at work."

"What if he goes there?! I want you two to live in the loft for a while. After all, Stiles made a key of your house, he knows that and has it."

"He also has attacked here numerous times!"

"Stay with Cora?"

"My mom can't drop everything and relocate to South America!" I yelled, and Derek looked at me, filled with what seemed to be defeat as he just pleaded with me.

"Then how do I keep you safe?"

Before I could answer however, a voice rang through the small silence and whispered in a voice that gave me chills up and down my spine.

"Hey, Scotty..."

I turned, growling as I transformed and Derek did the same, but the Nogitsune just responded with a "really?" face and questioned.

"Are you threatening us?" Before he smiled. "After all, I'm rubber, you're glue." After that, he continued to repeat his statement and that's when it clicked in my head.

"Whatever we do...bounces off him and sticks to us."

He smirked as he spoke with the most sarcastic tone I've ever heard from "Stiles".  "You're a smart one, Scotty. I see why we kept you around."

"So we hurt him, we get the pain? How are we gonna take him down then?"

Before I could answer, the Nogitsune responded to Derek.

"You're not. You're gonna go save the sheriff and Lydia from the Oni. Scott and I need to chat."

"I'm staying with Scott." Derek insisted, putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Oh Derek...there's nothing harmful with a little chat. After all, how do you think we're gonna feel if he possibly made it back and found out our dear father was murdered?" He stopped to give Derek a sick grin. "All cause he wasn't protected."

"He's safe and you'll never find him."

"At Lydia's?"

My eyes widened before I turned to my older brother and I insisted he'd go, which he did, but not before glaring at the Nogitsune.

"What the hell do you want?"

"To torture Stiles ... by making him kill you. After all... You can't hurt me. You don't have the guts." The Nogitsune kept a unnatural grin on it's face, but before I could respond, it fell to the floor to the floor, twitching as I heard a voice come through.

"S-scott, as l-long as you don't k-kill me or the n-nogitsune, I'll be a-able to c-come b-back h-hopefully. You CAN hurt him. It's like r-roughhousing. C-close your eyes, don't t-think of my face. T-the whole "r-rubber and g-glue" thing...I-it's a p-physiological trick. If y-you hurt him ph-physically, h-he t-thinks it'll m-mess with you e-emotionally."

I nodded, jumping on him before starting to punch and claw at him, all with my eyes closed so I didn't see him using my best friend's face against me. I was tossed into a wall at one point but quickly got back up and went right back to punching him till we were both exhausted and my hands were sore.

"Y-you can't let him win..." Stiles panted, grabbing onto a beam to hold himself up.

"I can't keep hurting you."

"Scott, you need to kill him."

I shook my head rapidly, insisting that I wouldn't while he was still in his body, and Stiles started rapid losing control and tell to the floor in the brink of tears. "D-do something...I-I don't care if I die. D-don't let him k-kill you."

"Stiles, I am gonna save you."

"K-keep my dad, safe, Scotty...I-I can't keep fighting..." His pleading turned to a straight face as the Nogitsune stood up and told me.

"You can't save everyone. There has to be a choice made."

My heart pounded in my chest I howled while yelling, feeling myself overcome by sadness, knowing that my best friend was falling apart in front of my eyes. "STILES!!!!!!!!!"

"I...I can't fight anymore..." The weak, hoarse voice broke through, and I ran over, putting my hand on his shoulder.

"Y-yes you can. Fight, Stiles. For me, for the pack, for your Dad, and I'm sorry, I know it's a dirty pull, it was a last resort. But Stiles, fight for your mom."

He put his head down, shaking under my touch before looking up with a glare on his face as the Nogitsune spoke in a Scott whisper.

"Chaos is here to stay."

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