Chapter 2

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This should be up today or tomorrow on fanfiction, but it is down ATM for me.
And now, on with the story!

Scott's POV.

When I arrived to the loft, I stood at the door, soaking wet as I pounded against it with one hand, holding my helmet in the other, yelling.

"Derek?! Derek!"

However, the door was opened by a very tired, grumpy Peter with squinted eyes who demanded. "What the hell are you doing here, Scott? It's 2 in the morning."

"I need to talk to Derek." I responded just as his voice cut in as he came down the stairs, rubbing his eyes.

"What is it, Scott?" Then his eyes widened when he saw my face as he gestured me in before turning to his uncle, asking. "Hey, Peter? Can we have a moment, please?"

"By all means. I'm going back to my sleep which you so rudely interrupted. Goodnight." He told us going back up the stairs.

Once he disappeared out of sight, Derek put his hand on my shoulder, taking a deep breath before asking.

"What's going on, Scott? And don't try to lie to me, I can smell the chemo signals. That, and you have tear stains on your face."

I sighed, looking down at my hands, before looking into his eyes, feeling tears well up in my eyes again. "My parents told me I was adopted."

Derek's eyes widened larger then I had ever seen them do before as he ran a hair through his spikey hair. "What can I do?"

"She actually sent me here to talk to you and get answers. She said I was found outside of your house during the fire." I explained, and Derek looked at the time, turning back to me and sighing.

"It's a Saturday, so we'll ask Peter tomorrow, but we should get some shut eye."

I nodded, quickly sending a text to my mom before cuddling up on the couch and whether my adrenaline had finally calmed down or I was just exhausted from the stress, I fell asleep as soon as my head touched the pillow.


The next morning, I woke up to the smell of coffee and pancakes, and when I sat up, I saw Derek making g breakfast in the small kitchen.

I walked over, getting myself a plate just as Peter came down and did the same.

We ate in silence for a few moments before Derek broke the silence, looking his uncle dead in the eyes.

"Do I have a cousin or sibling who was a baby at the time of the fire besides Cora?"

"You have a brother. Tossed out the window by Talia just before everything burned to ashes in hopes he would survive."

"What was his name?"

"She hadn't named him yet. He was born two days before the fire, as well as Cora, but she had planned on her. Not so much her twin."

"I think I might've found him."

After breakfast, Derek and I went to the hospital for a DNA test, and we were both sitting in a room when Mom came in, holding a chart.

"What does it say?" I asked curiously as she looked up and delivered the news straight and serious.

"You two are brothers."

I nodded, somewhat in shock as Derek excused himself and I felt Mom run her fingers through my hair.

"Are you okay, Scott?"

I nodded, replying. "My world has been turned upside down. Again."

Mom just hugged me tightly, and I did the same for a couple minutes before we broke off and I added. "He may be my brother, but you're still my Mom."

She smiled as she ran her hand through my hair again, before saying. "Well, if you want me to still be your Mom, then I'd go home if I were you. It's late and I have a feeling your father is gonna want to talk to you tomorrow."

"But Derek and I were gonna hang out." I whined, partly cause it was true and also not wanting to hang out with him.

"Look, kiddo. I know you aren't happy that your Dad is here, but I do want you two to be able to be in the same room without fighting. Just cause things didn't work out with him and I doesn't mean you can't still have your mom and dad in your life."

"For you, I'll fake it; but tomorrow I already have plans. Can you torture me the day after?" I questioned as she looked at me with pure confusion, not understanding how I truly felt about him.

"Torture you?"

"Making me spend time with him."

"I want you to get along with him, alright? He does care about you."

"Like I said. For you, I'll fake it. I just already have plans for tomorrow." I insisted, trying to get out of it, but she still didn't understand how much I didn't want to hang out as she asked me a favor.

"Just please be genuine with your father. Or at least try. Don't have a relationship built on lies." She stopped, looking down at the floor before looking back into my eyes, tears brimming the sides of them. "Also, how is Stiles doing?"

"I haven't talked to him lately." I admitted, knowing in reality that a Nogitsune had my best friend trapped in his own mind while he used his body to do the unthinkable. "And you don't want it to be genuine. You don't want me to unleash my true emotions, my true self. THAT'S what my genuine reaction would be. I'm better off faking a civilized conversation."

Mom sighed before placing her hand on my cheek, asking. "Try for me?"

"Fine." I mumbled in defeat as she smiled.

"Good. Now, get home. You have a long day tomorrow."

"It's just a hang out. The day after is what I'm dreading." I admitted, which lead to her lightly scolding me.

"Scott, you said you'd try."

"Thinking about trying."

"Scott..." She trailed off dangerously, making my skin crawl as I quickly apologized and hugged her again.


"Goodnight, kiddo." She told me, kissing my temple before I left the hospital, hopped on my motorcycle, and went home.

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