Chapter 3

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Hey guys. The song at the top of the story is my mood ATM, the one above this is for the chapter. Your choice on what you listen to while reading.

So if you aren't reading my Austin and Ally story, Tour De Fiasco, then you will have missed where I said that I'm not updating the Elite Force story, Life Without Chase tomorrow. I'm just trying to figure out plot stuff, so it should be back next Sunday, April 1st. (And no, this is not a April Fool's Day prank, I will do everything in my power to update.)

I just wanted to let you know that this week has been very hard for me. I lost a very close friend of mine of almost 11 years (as in we got into a pretty bad fight, not that they are dead), I've been very busy all week helping my family keep the house clean (and with 9 people in the same house, it's not easy) and I'm also kinda in a slump. My writing isn't good quality anymore IMO and I feel kinda bad that these are all half decent updates. I'm gonna do my best to keep updating, but it may just be this and Tour De Fiasco for awhile. Hope this makes sense. :)

And now, on with the story.

Scott's POV

I spent the next afternoon at Derek's, looking at a map in order to avoid thinking about my forced hangout with him that my mom had set up. "How can we find Cora again and can we find the others? Also, if you smell or sense irritability in me tomorrow, don't worry."

"She's in South America. I took her there after she was almost killed by the Alpha Pack." Derek insisted, pointing to a section on the map, before looking me dead in the eyes with confusion. "Why?..."

"I want to see her again. Could we go there sometime soon? Pleeease?" I begged, which he nodded in response, before I elaborated. "And with the whole irritability thing,  my Mom wants me to spend time with HIM. To be able to be in the same room and get along, genuinely."

"I don't get why you hate him so much." Derek insisted, rolling up the map and standing up to put it away, and I followed him while ranting.

"Shoved me down the stairs and caused me to hit my head while in a drunken rage, currently trying to fire the Sheriff for "unsolved cases" which are really just the supernatural; still treats me like a kid, he LEFT us; we can't see eye to eye on anything... the list goes on. My Mom wants me to get along with him and be genuine at the same time. How do I do both? Cause genuinely; I wanna use my powers and toss him out the window sometimes."

"I have to agree with Melissa. You kinda need to get over your hatred and remember he's done things for us without even noticing. The Sheriff isn't even mad cause he knows it's his line of work. Plus, if it wasn't for him, Stiles would be dead from hypothermia in a coyote's den." Derek pointed out, only infuriating me more as I growled.

"Okay, he saved Stiles and now wants to get his dad fired?! Backstabber much?!"

Derek sighed, placing his hand on my shoulder before explaining. "One more reason why I don't hate him. Even if just for a while, he took care of you; Scott. He took care of my baby brother. And he told you himself, it's his job. He doesn't want to get the sheriff fired. Remember what I told you last year? You need to control your anger to control the shift. If you get angry around your Dad, he'll find out about all of us."

"I don't know how nothing happened when I saw him last. My mom wants us alone, but I don't think I'll be able to control myself without a pack presence."

"I heard you managed two nights ago." He insisted, making me insist it was cause my mom was there, which was true, which made him sigh before telling me. "You need to make up with him. Because as long as you get mad around him, you are putting us, as a species, in danger. I'm not saying that to be mean, I'm saying that as a fact.

I shook my head vigorously. "Not ready for that, probably never will be. I need to get through one afternoon, just give me some tips; please." I begged, before it clicked in my head as I snapped my fingers. "STILES! You hated him in the beginning, how'd you handle it?"

"I just was kinda forced to hang out with him and got used to him. Plus, I was trying to get you to join my pack and not get me arrested. Since he means a lot to you, I faked it till I made it."

I sighed, since that led to a dead end as I sat back down on the couch, biting at my nail. "So you're saying I can't connect with my Dad like that?"

"I'm saying do it for your Mom cause of how much she means to you." He smiled, ruffling my hair, but I argued back that I couldn't do that cause she wanted us to have a genuine relationship. I placed my head in my hands, muttering to myself. "It's gonna be sooo awful..."

"It's gonna be okay, Scott. Plus, if you behave, we can get ice cream after if you want, as a "I'm so proud you didn't kill him" present."

I smiled as he sat beside me on the couch, laying my head on his shoulder and cuddling up beside him, feeling like I could finally lean on someone, instead of everyone leaning on me for once.

"Thanks so much. For everything."

Derek just chuckled, running his fingers through my hair soothingly as he insisted. "You're welcome."

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