Chapter 6

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Scott's POV.

When we got out of the airport coming back from South America, I felt a urge in my gut that something was off, and when I made she contact with Derek, I could see the same look in his eyes that he and I BOTH knew something was wrong.

We both ran as fast as our legs could take us to a place called Oak Creek, and I saw that things were BAD.

Aiden and Ethan were attacking Stiles, who was now fully consumed by the Nogitsune, and Lydia was on the ground shaking.

I went over to her and helped her up while Derek went to help the twins.

 "Are you okay?"

"H-he's still in there. I-I got through to him." She insisted, glancing at the three to one fight that was taking place just a few feet in front of us, which the Nogitsune was winning.

"Lydia, where are Isaac, Malia, Allison and Kira?" I demanded, knowing we would need much more help.

 "Further in the woods. They went after the Oni."

 I was ripped out of my conversation by Derek yelling.

"Scott, try to get him fully back!"

 I nodded, sending Lydia to find them before slowly approaching the Nogitsune who was being held down by the twins.

"Stiles? Can you hear me? It's Scott."

 He glared me down in response, insisting. "Your friend isn't here. It's just me. The spirit of chaos, evil, strife...everything you don't want."

"Stiles, I know you're in there."

"He's not coming might as well just kill me."

 "I know he's coming back. And once you let him go, I will. "

He chuckled, shaking his head with a demented look in his eyes as he smiled. "You think he's gonna come back?, he's mine now."

 The rest of the pack had returned from the woods as I fully transformed and YELLED.


I was about to give up hope, before I heard a quiet, choked up voice.


I smiled with relief as I nodded, while knowing that the possession was far from over in my heart.

 "Yeah, it's me." 

"Stiles, come back, PLEASE." Lydia begged, trying not to cry as Malia added.

"We need you. I need you." 

"H-he's gonna h-hurt m-my h-have to p-protect-" Then he was cut off by the Nogitsune reclaiming it's hold on him and grabbing Kira's arm, twisting it and grabbed her sword before turning around to Allison, fully ready to shoot him and Aiden with his claws out.

He clicked his tongue a couple of times, saying. "Oh, Allison...Aiden, you don't wanna do this." Clearly trying to guilt trip them, but they refused to let up and Allison told him.

"I don't wanna do this to Stiles. And you're not him." Before letting the arrow hit him point blank in the shoulder, but before she could grab another arrow, he took Kira's sword and went straight through her stomach.

The world was in slow motion as she coughed up blood and fell to the ground.

"Allison!" I yelled as Isaac and I both ran to her aid. I grasped her arm while Isaac applied pressure to her wound, trying to get the blood to clot.

I looked up from Allison to see the Nogitsune pierced Aiden in the chest with Allison's mountain ash laced arrow and he fell to the ground as well, with Ethan immediately rushing to him.

Then I heard Lydia scream. Not a normal scream, a scream of death as the Nogitsune left, and then I realized I was unable to take Allison's pain, and while I had a sinking feeling as to why, I still demanded a answer, which she gave me the one I had been dreading.

"C-cause it doesn't hurt..."

"Allison-" Isaac started, brushing his fingers through her hair, but we made she contact and both knew it was too late. Her blood had been soaking his hands the entire time, and she was becoming colder and paler by the second as she smiled at us, assuring us.

"It's's okay." Before her hand fell to the ground, and I could no longer hear her heart beating...


Lydia, Derek and I went to the station to warn the Sheriff about the Nogitsune while Isaac, Ethan and Allison's dad went to the hospital and Kira and Malia went home.

The three of us came in and were immediately ushered into his office when he saw the blood on mine and Lydia's clothes.

The three of us took turns explaining what was going on up to the events of just an hour ago, and Derek ended with.

"You need to stay at Lydia's house for a while. The Nogitsune is after you. To kill you. While we had Stiles for a brief moment, he begged us to keep you safe from himself."

"So you were able to get through to him? My son is still alive?" He asked quietly, almost not believing it and Lydia nodded.

"For now. I managed to break through the hold the Nogitsune has on him for a brief moment, and he told me something in Polish before Derek and Scott there. Zapisz Scott. It translated to "Save Scott." But then the Nogitsune cut him off. So I don't know what we're saving him from. "

I shook my head, brushing off the chilling message and focused on the Sheriff.

"He said the Nogitsune is after you. You need to be in places Stiles or the Nogitsune wouldn't think of. Lydia's house is our best bet."

 The Sheriff nodded, going to tell a officer that he would be in charge for awhile before following Lydia to her car while Derek and I drove back to the loft, Allison's death just now sinking in for me.


We got back to the loft and Derek immediately started pacing around the room, demanding to know what the Nogitsune wanted with me.

"I don't know. Maybe it's cause I'm a true alpha?" I suggested from my position in the bathroom, trying to wash the blood from my hands and arms.

"Well, you're also my baby brother. He's not going to hurt you too." 

"I can hold my own, Derek." I insisted, drying my now raw arms on the towel in the bathroom and grabbing the t-shirt my brother offered me so I didn't have to wear clothes soaked in blood and smelled of death.

" I know. I'm just scared. " Derek voiced his concerns, and I sat on the couch in the main room, telling him.

"It's gonna be fine, but I have to try and figure out how to save Stiles."

Hey Guys! Sorry I didn't update last week, but I had a terrible headache and didn't have time to get this down, but I'm back and hopefully that doesn't happen again. Enjoy!

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