Chapter 8

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Scott's POV

I grabbed his wrist, fighting the tears that sprang to my eyes and flipped him onto the concrete, refusing to look him in the eyes, but making sure his head hit the ground, knocking him unconscious.

Once I was sure he was out, I texted Derek quickly to bring more Wolf Lycian so we could continue suppressing the spirit while we figured out a better plan. Then telling him to hurry, since I had no clue how long he would be out.

Derek came quickly with syringe in hand as he put his hand against his neck, feeling for a pulse, before meeting my worried gaze.

"As soon as you texted me, the Oni disappeared. I don't know where, but they are just gone." He swabbed Stiles' neck, and then turned to me, looking me dead in the eyes. "You're gonna want to hold him down."

I nodded, pressing down on his shoulders while Derek steadily injected the poison into his neck.

"Deaton told me that he should be Stiles when he wakes up, and this can only last for two to three days, depending on how much he sleeps. We have to figure out a solution though. A permanent solution."

"What are we gonna do?" I asked, and Derek handed me a small scroll, which I could feel the age on by how cracked the paper was, then looked back at Derek, silently pleading for a explanation.

"Deaton said we need to find Japanese supernatural creatures, or Japanese hunters, and find out the integrity of this scroll. After all, it's a proverb. Not concrete truth. I'm thinking Kira's family."

I nodded, handling the scroll with care as I stood up, looking back down at Stiles' pale face, before back at Derek.

"Take Stiles to his house, and explain everything to his dad. I'll get the pack, have us meet as Kira's."


Lydia, Malia, Derek and I met up at Kira's, and explained to her that we needed someone to make sense of it. The only problem was that she didn't speak ancient Japanese.

My heart weighed heavy at that, and that's when we heard her mother chime in.

"I can help."

I handed it to her, watching as she rolled it out, and told us that it said "Change the body, change the host."

"What does that mean?" I asked, glancing down at the ancient symbols before back at her with confusion probably clear on my face, and that's when she replied.

I've never read anything like it, even if he claims it's a proverb. I do believe it is supernatural linked, and not anything a human can do. Possibly just linked to werewolves."

I nodded in agreement, before turning to the rest of the pack and asking. "Any ideas?"

"Maybe we have to bite him." Derek suggested with a sigh. "He can't be a fox and a wolf."

I shook my head. Stiles never wanted to be a werewolf, and I didn't want to go against his wishes unless it was a last resort, so, I asked. "Any other ideas?" But when the rest of the pack agreed with Derek, I had to fight. "He doesn't want the bite, Derek."

"I know, but we don't have much time, and we need to come up with a solution now." Derek insisted, putting his hand on my shoulder in a comforting motion, but all I felt was dread and a guilty feeling clawing at my heart. Then Kira piped up from the couch.

"Is there anything such as a temporary bite?"

I started to light up, and turned to Derek, asking him.

"There is a possibility, but if it goes even slightly wrong...we'll lose Stiles. Forever."

I swallowed, clearly seeing the severity in the room. I didn't want to lose Stiles, but I also didn't want to turn him into a werewolf like he really didn't want to be. So, I asked.

"How do we know whether it worked or not?" I questioned, feeling panic build in my heart before insisting. "Derek, it's all you."

"I can't do it. It has to be a werewolf they are extremely close to."

I swallowed harshly, feeling extremely nauseous as I fought back tears and Derek's comment. "What if I mess up? I can't lose him!"

But then Derek's phone chimed, and he looked at me with the utmost seriousness.

"I'll explain at his house." Before showing me his screen and announcing to the rest of the pack. "He's awake."

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