Chapter 5

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Derek's POV.

When we arrived in South America and to Cora's favorite hangout spot, a small café she always raved about, I wrapped my arm around Scott, and asked him to make sure he was prepared.

"You know when we see her again she's gonna baby you like crazy, right?"

"She was pretty sarcastic last time I saw her."

"She didn't know then." I told him, before spotting her sitting at a table, and by the fact she whipped her head towards us before breaking out into a grin, I knew she saw us too. "Cora!" I called, which had her abandoning her table to run up and hug me.

"Hey, Derek!" She exclaimed, before breaking off to hug Scott...a bit too tightly, which had me chuckling as he squeaked.

"Hey...Cora...can't... breathe!"

She quickly let go of him and apologized before we all sat down and she ordered us some food before asking.

"So what do you want to do during your stay here? How long are you staying?"

"We're here for two weeks unless something comes up."

"Yay! I can give you a tour of the forest." She grinned, before our amazing looking Pastel de Tres Leches arrived, which we all immediately dug into while she asked. "How's that Stiles kid? More annoying? Less annoying?"

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you liked him." I teased, gently poking her side, which made her yell in defense as she blushed beet red.

"Do NOT!"

"You're blushing." Scott told her before saying. "He's going through some rough times."

"What happened? Not, that I care or anything. Does he still have the face that makes me wanna punch him?"

"Same face, but no need to get aggressive." My brother told her before explaining everything that had been going on in the past couple months while we finished and left the cafe.

"Ready to scope out the forest?" Cora questioned, putting on her backpack, and we were soon on our way through the rigorous forest.

However, we couldn't have been sightseeing for twenty minutes when Scott tripped over himself and scratched his left leg on a large branch, which Cora quickly identified as mountain ash, sending us both into panic mode.

"Guys, I'm fine...I'll heal..." Scott winced, trying to stand, but failed miserably as I sat behind him, propping him on my chest while also holding him still as Cora shrugged off her backpack, starting to go through it as I informed him he was supposed to be healing already while our sister put on a pair of gloves from the first aid kit from her backpack.

"You two are lucky I carry this around." She snorted, starting to clean Scott's leg, which had him kicking at her in protest, yelling.

"Cora, that stings, Cora, STINGS!"

I ended up having to hold his leg down, and despite being surrounded by mountain ash, I was able to do while trying to calm him down.

"I'm almost done." Cora told him, starting to tightly bandage his leg. He stopped fighting after that, and just started letting out pitiful whimpers, almost bringing me to tears, before Cora finally announced she was done.

Scott sniffles, standing up while favoring his right leg. I had him wrap his arm around me while Cora picked up her stuff, and we started making the journey back to Cora's place.


By the time we got back to Cora's place, Scott's leg had healed mostly and no longer needed to be supported. She came inside with the key before announcing.

"I'm home!"

When Aunt Kim emerged, his light brown hair cascading down her shoulders while she had a apron tied around her waist, she immediately grinned as she hugged me, exclaiming that it was so good to see me again, before I introduced her to Scott, who she greeted the same before chuckling at Cora ruffling his hair.

"She's hard on the outside, but after you get through the surface, she just wants to take care of you." She smiled, before telling us the boys were at a friends house.

We all sat on the couch, watching a movie, laughing and talking before Cora tilted her head, then promptly turned off the TV, yelling.

"Get down! Enemy pack nearby!" Before ducking under the table. "These werecoyotes won't leave us alone!"

Then several werecoyotes broke through via the windows, which had both Scott and I get up and start fighting them. I heard a cry, seeing one scratch Scott's abdomen open with their claws, before starting to drag him away by latching it's teeth onto Scott's leg, while he fought and kicked, screaming as he pulled just as much as it pulled. I beat up the ones on mex which had them fleeing, before scratching the one that had him on the face, which made it whimper as it fled, leaving a bleeding Scott sprawled out on the ground on his back, now unconscious, but clutching his abdomen tightly with tearstains on his cheeks.

"Scott!" I yelled as I knelt beside him while Cora crawled out of her hiding spot, keeping two fingers firmly on his neck while Kim also came out of her spot.

"H-he's pretty beat up, Derek." Cora sniffled, while Kim knelt down beside him and started examining him with her vast medical knowledge due to her being a nurse.

"W-will he be okay?" I asked as she just directed us upstairs, where Cora led me to the guest room while I carried him in my arms, watching as the wound on his leg started healing on it's own, which led me to sigh in relief, before laying him on the bed, telling Cora.

"I hate seeing him like this..."

When Scott shuddered in his unconscious sleep, starting to whimper like a puppy, which had me start to take his pain, feeling every ounce of it while black veins danced up my arms. Then I saw Scott's eyes flutter open, which lead Cora to sigh in relief as he asked.

"What... what happened?"

"You were attacked."

"Are you both okay?"

"We're fine, but you were hurt pretty badly, Scott." Derek told him, as Kim sat on the side of the bed, opening her medical kit.

"H-hey, Derek? Would you and Cora stay while Kim patches me up, please?" He begged, which had both Cora and I nodding as I felt a overwhelming feeling of guilt replace my adrenaline.

"I'm sorry I failed you. I was supposed to protect you." Scott just shook his head, a telltale sign his pain came back, which had both Cora and I drawing it while I asked. "Kim, how's he looking?"

"He's gonna live. I am gonna need you to keep taking his pain though."

"Something's gonna hurt a lot, isn't it?" Scott whimpered, which had Kim nodding in sympathy before explaining.

"His stomach was pretty badly slashed open. I'm gonna need to stitch it up, and there isn't pain medication for werewolves that I know of."

Cora and I nodded, feeling Scott grip on our wrists harder while Kim started, which made him start whimpering yet again, begging her to stop the entire fifteen minutes it took, and when she finally finished, all three of us were sweating, pain still radiating throughout all our veins.

"You three okay?" Kim asked, helping Cora lay down on the small couch against the wall.

Scott nodded, and Kim left, while I laid down next to Scott, letting his pain inch up my veins against his knowledge, before we both fell asleep.

No one was gonna touch him again.

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