Chapter 9

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Hi reader! I just want to say that there is a song that goes with this chapter. It fits for when Sara leaves the airport. The song is Breath by Backstreet Boys. You'll understand. Go listen to the song as you read. It will make sence. Thank you for reading!!!!

I headed back to Vegas, the clouds to my left and Marco to my right. This plane ride could not be more perfect. I fell asleep on Marco's shoulder almost as soon as we took off. I did not sleep that night because I staied up face timing with Connor, Justin, Ricky and Kian. We staied up talking about things that I want to do, things they still want to do, and many other things. Once we touched down, Marco woke me up.

"Babe, this is the last time that I can probably spend a week with my sister on her birthday. We talked about this." I went on. Marco wanted to spend time with me but I flew back for my sister. "Maybe at the end of the week."

"That's what you always say, is maybe." He complained. "You're leaving to live your dream. You always said you wanted this summer for Jazmine and you. Oh, and, Stephen, maybe. It's always maybe." I was letting him give off steam.

"Baby, I asked you if you wanted to come. You told me you had work and no vacation days 'cause you spent them all on me for my birthday." I said in a calm voice. He sighed.

"I know, but it's hard, hunny. It's difficult to watch you live your life while I'm stuck in one place to do nothing but work and go to school." I knew where this was going, I just was not ready for it. "Baby, I've been thinking." he looked down at the floor. "I want you to live your life, follow your dreams." He grabbed my hands as he looked up at me with a conciderate smile, "You've taught me so much. One thing is that hard work pays off." We giggled, "Another was to always follow your dream. And that's what I want you to do. Go, live your life to the fullest extent you can, and live."

"But, Marco-B, I wasn't going to travel, I was going to stay here after the summer. Send Jaz on her way with an amazing party then go to school." I tried to hold back tears, as to not make a bigger scene.

"Sara, I don't want you to waste your life away. Take your year, get away from here, get away from staying in one place. You hate it here, you constantly tell me." He gave off a concerned laugh and a loving smile. He sighed again making his smile bigger, as if what he was going to say next will convince me. "As you always say, 'If it's ment to be, it will be.' So?"

"If we were ment to be together, we'll find away back to eachother." I finished his sentence, looking away from him so I can hide my tears better. He tilted my head up and kissed my nose.

"This doesn't mean I don't still have feelings for you. I still love you." My eyes widened and my ears rang, he has only said that once before. I did not know what to say this time. It was too difficult. He frowned, he knew. "But, your ride is waiting for you." He kissed me on the cheek, "I'll call someone to come and pick me up." I sighed turning toward the car and taking a few slumped steps away. I stopped and ran back to him, jumping into his arms. It was difficult to let it go. "This isn't goodbye, only see you later." He said in my shoulder. I could not hold my tears in anymore. I cried hard into his shoulder. He put his hand on my head and started rubbing my back.

I ran from him to the car without glancing at him but when I did look back at him, he smiled trying his hardest not to cry himself. He waved depressingly. I frowned, waving back. Once I got into the car my mom did not ask or say anything, she just drove out of the parking lot, which took forever, then drove me home.

Once there, I walked slumped down in my sorrow to my room. I threw my things on my bed and began to unpack. After that I just slumped on my bed, my phone on vibrate, just hoping for one call. One call from one person, him. I clutched my phone tight in my hand as I stared off into space. Almost one year, down the hole. We started dating last year, 2014, now it's hard to think I just sat here thinking everything was going to be okay for a year! I was going to give up half of my dream for him! Do not get me wrong, I love that he put my dreams first but I do not have anyone to go traveling with. Jaz was moving to Europe, Stephen has collage. I am doing online school, but do not know what I am going to do with myself.

My phone vibrated a few times telling me someone tweeted, texted or messaged me. I did not care for that. An hour passed and my phone started to ring with a call. I slowly glanced at my phone, it was Jazmine. I ignored it. I did not want to talk to her or Stephen. My phone rang again, from Jaz. Then again from Stephen. I ignored both. My house phone then began to ring minutes later. I turned on my bed and covered myself in my blanket. My phone fell to the floor.

*knock, knock*

"Sara!" I heard my mom through the door.

"I'm not home." I called from under the blankets. "Go away please, and just let me die!"

"Sara, Stephen and Jazmine both say you wont answer their phone calls. Do you want me to tell them what happened?" she asked. I grabbed a stuffed animal off of my bed and threw it at the door.

"No! Just tell them I'm not home!" I yelled angered. I do not want to talk to anyone. My door clicked open and my mom placed the phone under the blanket on my ear. All I heard was Stephen and Jazmine. They sounded worried.

"Sara, I don't know what is going on, or if you are even listening," Stephen started.

"Did it click off?" Jazmine asked, which made me huff air out of my mouth from a laugh.

"But, anyway, I just wish you would talk to us. Sara, it just worries us when you don't answer our calls. What ever happened, you can tell us." None of us said anything after that. They waited for me to say something. After a few minutes of us not communicating I slowly began to cry till I, finally, burst into tears. Stephen sighed with relief, and they both just listened to my whimpering till it died down. "Sara?" Stephen questioned.

"Mmm-hmm?" I hummed.

"Finally," Jaz whispered excitingly. It made me smile as I sniffled.

"Was it Marco?" My eyes widened as he said that, it was like he knew. More tears came out.

"That's a yes." Jazmine stated. "What happened Sara? Do I have to kick his ass?" I sniffled trying to pull the tears back.

"No, no, no." I started, but that was all I could say.

"Jaz, he did it for her." Stephen stole the words from my mouth, causing me to stop crying. I still sniffled though.

"How do you know?" Jaz interigated. I just sniffled and hick-upped as I listened.

"I know because that's what they fight about. Her traveling around the U.S. and following her dream as she left him there in Vegas. Jaz you should know about this." I thought he talked to Marco about it, I am glad not.

"Well, I do know about that, I just never thought they would break up because of it." That comment, for some odd reason, made me chuckle a bit before I hick-upped again. They both sighed and stopped arguing.

"Sara, don't think about it too much. Just remember that it's your sister's birthday week. Spend that with her and don't think too much about it." Don't think too much about it? It just happened! What?!?

"Okay," was the rest of what I could say. They said they loved me and bye but I just hummed and hung up. It tore my heart out. I did not know what to do.

I got from under my covers and sat there for a second, not thinking at all. After a good long while, I searched for my phone. I was not going to answer anything sent to me. I looked through my missed calls to see if Marco called. Nope. There were three calls from Jaz, two from Stephen and one from Connor and Justin. Why am I all of a sudden so popular? I saw there was also voicemails from the last two. I decided to listen to them. They both were simple, saying they were just wondering if I made it home okay, which I appericiated. My phone, then, began to vibrate with a call from Ricky. Just like the others, I let it go to voicemail. I fell back onto my bed contemplating if I should start getting ready to go to my dad's or just sit there. I decided to get ready for my dad's. Stephen was right, this week was for my sister, not me. I have the rest of my life to worry about me. This was for my sister, Rabecca.

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