Chapter 7

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"You ready to go?" Justin asked half way down the steps. A door creeked open and the boys stopped at the foot of the staircase. Kian and Ricky walked out of a room. "I didn't know you guys were up." Justin called.

"We weren't, you guys just talk so loud." Kian rubbed his eyes.

"Who's this." Ricky said through a stretch as they began down the stairs. Justin was next to me at this point.

He put his hand on my shoulder, "This is Sara Collins," he nudged me forward a bit.

Ricky hopped in front of Kian and hugged me. Again, it felt like hugging someone I have know forever and a day. This is really weird. "It's nice to meet you Sara. I'm Ricky." He said pulling away.

"I'm Kian," He waved from the stairs. Before he started toward me to hug me my pocket sang with Jasmine's voice.

*Whatever Sara* It vibrated *Whatever Sara* I reached into my pocket. We recorded our voices saying our YouTube concepts for when we call eachother.

"Hey!" Kian waved a finger as he stepped in front of me. "That's why I thought you looked familiar. You have a YouTube channel with your best friends." My phone kept ringing, I blushed. Justin grabbed the phone out of my hand, in spite, and answered it. I freaked out and all the boys were trying not to laugh. Justin just kept pushing me away with a smile acrossed his face. Then it dissappeared and wound up on mine.

"She hung up." All the guys 'awed' in unison. I snatched the phone, quickly, out of his hand, stuck my tounge out at him, then started dialing her number. It started ringing again and I looked up at him worried. A small grin swam acrossed his face. I started to run away and he wrapped his arms around my waist trying to get the phone. I answered it fighting with him.

"Hello?" I giggled.

"Hey? What's going on?" She asked slowly. Justin started tickling me and I pulled free. "Hello?!" she demanded.

"Sorry," I hid behind Connor, then behind Romeo. "I'm just trying to get away from someone." I said breathing heavily. Justin started whispering to the other guys and I stepped away from behind Romeo. "What's up?"

"Nothing much, I was just woundering how the tattoo went but by the sound of it I'm guessing it went well?" I laughed.

"Yeah, it went swell." I looked behind me and all the guys had evil smiles on their faces. Oh no. This isn't good. I thought.

"You seem distracted should I call you back?"

"No-" I turned slowly away from the boys. "no, no, you're fine-"

"HI, JAZMINE!!!" All the boys yelled at once. I pulled my head down and shrugged my shoulders up closing my eyes. Damn, there goes me telling her on my own terms. All the boys started laughing. Justin walks over to me putting a hand on my shoulder. I relaxed my tension.

"Now, does that make it easier to tell her about us?" He said into the phone.

Jazmine started screaming. I winced, pulling the phone away from my face. Every one fell silent. I felt like my ear drum was going to fall out of my ear. I moved the phone to the other side of my face as soon as she stopped.

"Are you done?" I asked still in shock. She was breathing heavy and all the boys just stood there staring at me. "Jaz?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." she said between breaths, I could tell she was smiling. She took a deap breath, "How could you not call me?" she exhaled.

"I was going to, but I didn't know where you were. Speaking of where you were, what were you doing?" I teased curiously.

"Hey, I'm the eldest. My stuff gets handled first!"she demanded.

"Damn, okay." She started laughing hard and I giggled.

"So, what?" She moved on.

"Okay, I'll have them say hi." I jestured the phone to everyone and they said hello with their names. After, the boys started to talk amongst themselves.

"No Sam and Trevor?" She asked kind of freaking out.

"No, they weren't here." Romeo jumped up as if with an idea. I put Jazmine on speaker.

"Why don't you invite her to go to lunch with us?" He asked.

"Wait, your going to lunch with who?" Jazmine started freaking out again. "Seriously Sara!"

"We're all going to lunch." Connor called out.

"I'll call Sam and Trevor. They will want to join us!" Kian started dialing their numbers. I was speechless. I did not know how to respond. Apparently, nor did Jazmine, she did not say a word.

"So, what do you both say?" Justin asked.

I shook my head, "I'd love to." Jaz and I called out together. All three of us laughed. A few moments later Kian informed us that Sam and Trevor were on their way over. When they got there we all decided where we were going.

"Sara has never been to Panara!" Jaz called out from the phone. They all gasped.

"You have never been to Panara?!?" Ricky freaked.

"Panara it is." Sam said wrapping an arm around my shoulders and raising the other in the air. This was wonderful, I felt at home.

We all headed out in either Trevor's car or Ricky's. We stopped at the hotel and picked up Jazmine. The first thing she did was run to me and hug me. When everyone got there hugs in, we packed the cars again and headed for Panara. This was becoming one of the best days of my life!

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