Chapter 13

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*Ring, Ring*

I grabbed my vibrating phone off of the night stand next to me, shut off the alarm and put it back on the table, shoving my face into my pillow. I lifted my head. "Justin? Jaz?" I squinted my eyes and shoved my face back into the pillow below me. "I don't want to get up." I said muffled into the pillow.

I swung my legs over the side of Jc's bed and threw the covers off me. Hazel jumped onto the bed wagging her tail frantically and Wishbone jumped on my lap, like usual. Do animals understand what is going on with humans? They both licked my face like mad men and Hazel jumped onto shoulder knocking me down onto the bed. "Hazel!" I laughed! "You're too big for this! Wishbone!" I laughed some more. They laid on my chest and licked my face like crazy. An adorably loud laugh boomed at the door making me laugh even more.

"Need help?" Justin laughed.

"Nah, I'm good, I'm just going to sit here an get the loving imma miss when I leave." That's when Vega came up onto the bed meowing like crazy and nudging on my head. Justin and I laughed even more! Tears began to roll down my face, not in the way it seems. Wishbone stopped licking me and had his head lying on my shoulder close to my face. Hazel slowed down but began to lick the tears off of my cheeks. I reached my hand back to Vega who was purring and still rubbing her head on mine. Justin stopped laughing by now.

"Like I said," I began through sobs. I sniffled and continued, "I'm gonna miss it." I alternated my left hand between Vega and Hazel, and just rubbed Wishbone's head and down his spine with my right. I brought the dogs closer to me and Vega lied down on the top of my head. I did nothing but lie there. Justin stood there for a while before coming to sit at my left. Hazel left me and lied on his lap.

"Oh, I see how it is!" I laughed through a sniffle. "I see how it is Hazel!" Justin chuckled a bit under his breath.

"Yeah, Hazel, go give her lovin'!" I laughed out loud and Wishbone got up and jumped off me and began to wag his tail at the closed door of Justin's room.

"You want out Wishbone?" When I said that, Vega got off of my head ableing me to sit up. I sighed, "Come on let's go!" I called getting up from the bed. The dogs began jumping at me, over excited to get out of the room. I swung the door open and they both bolted down the stairs with Vega lingering behind. It made me chuckle. I turned and looked at a Jc still sitting on his bed.

"What?" I asked.

He smiled at me, I took a deep breath in and walked to sit next to him. I looked up at him "Yes?" I asked again.

"What?" He shrugged.

"I know you Justin. You want to say something. What is it?"

"What, I can't think now is that what this is? You have to know everything I'm thinking?" He opened his mouth to a teethful, happy, caring, loving, and joking smile. A smile that I love so much on him. I nudged him with my shoulder.

"No, you can think all you want. It's this one thing, you wanna say something but you don't know if it's a good time to say it, but it's killing you on the inside the more and more you wait on telling me." I smiled an evil, conniving smile that made him smile brighter, which I didn't think was possible.

"Maybe that's true--"

"Ha!" I pointed is his direction.

"You didn't let me finish. So, I was saying, maybe that's true, maybe it's not. You never know."

"Oh kay then." I got up and began for the door. Justin reached his hand out and grabbed my arm. I chuckled, Yep, I was right. I moved back to my seat next to him. "Yeeeees?" I question another time!

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