Chapter 2

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Jaz and I set out for Romeos shop. With my skates strapped on and Jaz riding a skate board we looked a bit crazy not knowing where we were going.

"Jaz, I thought you knew how to get there?!" I was frustrated.

"I said I thought I knew where it was."

I growled "Jasmine!"

"Hey, I am sorry okay!"

*phone rings*

"Hey maybe it's Romeo!"

I looked at the phone, it was.

I jestured to Jaz to be quiet. "Hello?!" I cheared.

"Hey, so you guys almost here?" His voice rang in my ears. It was the first time I talk to him on the phone. It was crazy. Jaz and I stopped at a bench and sat.

"Yeah, but we're kind of lost."

"Turn around." he said. My eyes squinted and I slowly tured around. Inside a window peering at us was Romeo. We all laughed and I hung up the phone. I swung into his shop and quickly changed my roller skates to my shoes.

"Hi, it's so great to finally meet you!" I stood up and offered a hand. Jaz already had the pleasure.

"Put that away." He jestured for a hug. We imbraced and it felt as if hugging a friend. It was strange but welcoming.

"So, how long are you two planning on being here in L.A?" He asked coming from the back with two peices of paper.

"At least a week." Jaz said without hesitation.

"What are guys planning after that?" he continued casually.

Jaz did not say a word, so I started "Well, we were planning just to travel around all parts of California. We don't quite know yet."

"Well, if you're staying, you should get your other tats, Sara."

I turned to Jaz, jesturing to him "He's trying to get more business." We all laughed.

Romeo handed me the picture of my tattoo and Jaz hers. It was better than when I tried to draw them. Actually, they were better than I actually imagined. "Maybe, I'll take you up on that." Romeo looked at me with a smile. He knew I would say that.

"So, who's first." A giggle escaped me. Even though this was my idea, I was scare out of my mind. Jaz looked at me starting forward. I just knew she was waiting for me to jump up with excitement saying 'I am' like we would have to fight over it. She glanced from me to Romeo.

"I guess me." she said with a sigh.

"I thought it would have been you." he jestured. I just looked up at him. "Okay, then."

He prepped Jaz and his things and started on her's. Our tats were opposite of each other. There were two thing similar but it was ment to show our differences as best friends and represent ourselves with a little something representing the other person. Jaz had a bit of a problem with the pain but she got through it and it was beautiful. She loved it.

"You turn." They both turned to me. Another nervous giggle escaped my lips.

Romeo reprepped for my tattoo and began. It did not hurt too bad. Through out it, it was difficult for me not to tense up. Mine took longer than Jasmine's because he would stop for a bit when I would tense up and also between color changes. Towards the end it began to hurt.

Once it was done, it was amazing!

"Wait a few days," He stopped me from gawking at our tattoos, "It will look better."

"Oh, I know. One of my teachers have tats. She got one toward the end of the year, my junior year and it was great. But, after a few days it was even better!"

Romeo explained what we could and could not do for a few days or it would get ruined. "Lastly, DON'T SCRATCH. It will itch 'cause its healing. If you scrtatch it, it will ruin it."

Man and it was already beginning to itch. I thought

We said good bye and set off on our way. We had the rest of the week planned. We would go sight seeing, go swimming and all kinds of things. The swimming will have to wait a bit though. Thats what happens when you get tattoos at the beginning of the summer.

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