Chapter 14

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I slowly put the last piece of clothing in my bag. Jazmine walked in, a purse on her shoulder and phone in hand. "You ready to go Sara? You have been up here for a while." She said looking up from her phone.

"Yeah, and you have been down there for a while." I teased, she looked at me and shook her head.

"For your information Ms. Sarcastic Pants, Ricky isn't here right now. He said he was going to be busy for the next few hours. So, I was in his room alone."

"Uh huh, you just want an excuse to cover up you taking a "souvenir"." I air quoted.

"Whatever, Sara!" She said with a laugh, but a smile never even crept on my face. I slowly closed my bag and sighed as I zipped it up. Jaz sighed too. "I know." she walked over to me and sat on the floor next to me. "I don't want to leave either, trust me." I leaned back on the side of Justin's bed. "But, Sara, we are leaving in four and a half hours. We don't have that much time to spend with each other." I put my face into my hands, she put and arm around my shoulders. "We have to go to school, Sara. You were waiting for the answer from SNHU for a long time and you got accepted. You have to go Sara."

"I know, I know. I just don't want to leave him behind. I want to tell him how I feel but I don't want to leave him with that Jaz." I sighed, "I don't want to miss any of them like I miss everyone back home." It sucks.

"Me too, Sara, I feel the same way. But right now, lets go." She said standing up. "The beach doesn't wait for anyone." We laughed at her joke as I stood up and followed her out of the room, shutting the door behind me.

We made it down the steps and I forgot my towel up stares. I think I left it in Kian's room last. I walked back up the stairs and knocked on his door. "Kian?" I called, "You in here?" I asked. I got no answer. I opened the door slow and looked to see if I would find him sleeping or something. He wasn't in his room. I opened the door wide and walk in. I searched his room and couldn't find it. Glancing over at his bathroom, there it was, on his counter. I ran in there, grabbed it and ran right out, running into a wet, half naked Kian.

Kian's arms wrapped around me and he embraced me. "Kian! You're all wet!"

"So?" He held my face close to his chest. "It's not like you haven't seen a guys wet bare chest before. Plus, you're going down to the beach any way."

"That doesn't mean you need to get me all wet!" I said trying to pull away from him.

"Well, Sara, you don't have to be dirty about it." I slapped his chest and we laughed. I stopped struggling and wrapped my arms around him. I was soaking wet so why not. He leaned down into the hug and held me tight. It was different.

"Sorry I just came into your room." I said.

Kian laughed, "It's fine, I don't mind it. You were just getting your towel." We pulled away, still holding eachother, "I meant to give it to you after I washed it."

"Why was it in here anyway?" I asked.

"What do you mean? You left it in here when you took a shower in here the other day."

"Oh, yeah." He didn't need to continue that story.

"Couldn't really help it. I did have to carry you up here and we just decided to let you sleep in here."

"I know." I don't know why but I feel kind of weird about that night. I don't completely remember it. All I remember is waking up in Kian's bed with my wet cloths on the floor from the night before, a towel rapped around me under his blankets and a raging migraine.

"Do you know? Do you really know?" Oh no. Now he is going to tell me.

"Maybe not but I am fine without knowing." I tried to get away but Kian took me back into his arms and restrained me. I tried to walked out of the door with him pulling me but it wasn't working.

My feet lifted up off the floor as Kian lifted me bringing me over the bed and sitting down with me in his lap. I struggled to get out of his grip but it was no use.

"So, we had a party the other night and it seemed someone," he started tickling me and stopped, "got a little tipsy."

"Kian, let me go," I said calmly without struggle. He tighted his grip around my waist and continued anyway.

"So, me being the gentelman that I am, I carried you up here so you could sleep. But someone drank a little to much and couldn't hold it down so we stopped at my room and you went to my bathroom to puke leaving me with the towel in question." He was swaying me on his lap like a little kid being told things by their older brother that they don't want to know.

"After that you just stripped down out of your wet clothes and swim attire and jumped into my shower making me bring you your shampoo, conditioner and sponge from Jc's room so you could take said shower."

"Kian, I'm serious, let me go." Again his grip got tighter, his swaying became ruffer and he continued on anyway.

"After the shower, you called for me to get you a towel and there you go. You ended up in only a large towel sitting on the floor of my bathroom past out. So I had to do something and dressing you was out of the question. But I couldn't just leave you there. So, after having 100% certainty that you were covered enough, I picked you up and brought you to my bed, cause bringing you to Jc's room was out of the question as well because I wasn't about to bring you into a crowded hallway, then covered you in my blankets."

"Oh aren't you just the sweetest, now can you let me go, I have a date dude." I said seriously but struggling a bit.

"Okay." he said releasing me to fall to the floor because of my struggling. "Now that is what you get for being rude." He said then laughed. He came around me and reached a hand out. I grabbed his hand and he flung me to my feet pulling me into another hug. "Have fun, see you in a few hours." He said pulling away.

"Alright, see you in a few hours." I moved passed him, shutting his door and running down stares to an almost impatient Jazmine. "Let's go."

"What took you so long?" She asked.

"I'll explain on the way." I laughed putting an arm around her shoulders and walking her out the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2016 ⏰

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