Ch 12: He shows, not say

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It's been a week since the guys and I got home from Sentosa. Also, a week straight that Ive been going out with Connor. I liked how he always shows up on our doorway everyday without telling me. Then he'll bring me out for breakfast or lunch or dinner, or even just a stroll in the park or skate around the area. Things have also been getting better between the two of us, my feelings for him continued growing. We do not have an official 'thing' going on though. I mean, because of the fact that we both had a terrible past, I know it's not easy to get into another relationship again. But still, I get this feeling that he's different. I know you cannot just say something like that but, he shows it. And that's better than just saying you are different. You show it, you act, not just say words.

Well for some news about the others, James and Tristan have also been going out a lot with Hayley and Olivia since they are meant to go back to London in a few days. James recently gave Hayley a promise ring, it was a beautiful simple diamond ring. I really admire their relationship, they are really strong. As for Tristan and Olivia, they have this playful relationship and Tris always took Olivia out for shopping.

I also noticed that Brad and Lia have been seeing each other lately. They've been really close and I can see that he makes my bestfriend happy. I trust Brad with her. Brad's a good guy, we've also been really close. But if he breaks Lia's heart, I sure will break his face.

We've also been going out together like by the end of the day, we'll all stay either in thr boys' flat or mine and my aunt's completely okay with it. Once we even sneaked out into Hayley and Olivia's hotel room and stayed overnight, although we were just guests.

How about the boys of Before You Exit? Hmm, we still text or ring them sometimes but we dont hang out anymore.

Anyways, mine and Lia's dance crew were meant to arrive here in a few days. The plan is that we'll make a piece for the competition and practice it for a few weeks then they'll fly back to Philippines then in a few months, fly back here again and practice again then we'll go to Australia together for the competition. The boys, Hayley and Olivia promised to support us.

"Charla! You ready?" I heard someone open the front door. "There you are! You lazy bum go fix yourself already!" Connor stormed inside my bedroom.

"Thank you for knocking. And how did you get in here?" I said, lying on my stomach on my bed facing my laptop. "And I should be ready for what?"

"I walked past your aunt down the block. She said you were still sleeping so she gave me a spare key." he sat next to me on the bed. "And you miss Thompson, should get used to me surprisingly showing up here."

"Well, mister Ball. I already am.. But im just naturally lazy. Will you hand me that towel of mine please so I can shower already?" I said pointing to my towel hanging on my wall.

Connor got up and got the towel. "Wow when did you put this up here?" he asked, mentioning about the polaroid photos on the wall. There was a photo of us taken in the Universal Studios. He was giving me a piggyback ride while I was kissing his cheek. I remember Brad took that one.

"When I got home. I immediatley put it up." I smiled. Then I walked out of my room and into the shower.

"Get out Condora" I commaned as I went back in my room. "Im gonna put clothes on"

"Cant I stay here?" he pouted.

"God no! Out now."

I put on an All Time Low muscle shirt, high waist denim shorts, and huf socks.

"Where do we go?" I said as I walked into the living room where Connor was lying on the sofa, watching the tv. I jumped onto him making him groan in pain.

"I dont know? I just wanna be with you." he answered, just when I was about to get off him to get my Vans.

"You silly we could just stay here."

"I thought Lia was here."

"Uhm. She went out early. She said she's seeing Brad?"

"Brad was still sleeping when I went here."

"Thats strange" where couldve Lia gone if she wasnt going to see Brad?

"So where do we go?" Connor asked after a few moments of silence.

"How about let's have a movie marathon yeah?"

"Sounds great! Can we buy ice cream first?"

"Yeah just let me put on a foundation and lip tint." he grabbed my hand when I stood up.

"You dont have to. You look beautiful with just your bare face." he smiled. He pulled my hand causing me to land on his lap. "And you dont need to tint your lips." he said as he crashed his lips onto mine. I didnt hesitate to kiss back. Everytime we kiss, I still get the feeling of the zoo in my stomach.

"Cheeky." I said as I broke apart from our kiss. "Okay now can I just at least put on my Vans?" I got my shoes from my shoe rock then sat back on the sofa.

"What are you doing?" I asked as he knelt down in front of me.

"Im going to help you put on your shoes." he smiled. He got one of my shoes then put it on my foot. "One day when I kneel down I'm going to put something on your finger, not on your feet." he continued, making me smile and blush.

We went to the mall where we first bumped into each other then got two big tubs of Ben and Jerry's. It was a walking distance away from my flat. We also decided to buy this oreo cheesecake we saw in Say Cheesecake.

While we were strolling down the mall, we saw a clothing shop with onesies. Connor suggested that we also buy them, to wear them during the movie marathon. We quickly grabbed a penguin onesie for me and a monkey one for Connor. We quickly paid for them because our ice cream might be already melting. We ran down the mall to get back to my flat immediatley.

"W-w-wait!" Connor said when we passed through an ice cream parlor. "Isnt that..." We saw a familiar face. Someone walked up to her giving her an ice cream cake. Another familiar face.

Wait... Lia?

Why was she with Riley?


Woah there!! Why would Lia lie about seeing Brad when she was really with Riley?

And I know this chapter isnt that good im sorry! :(

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