Chapter 24 - He Let Me Go

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Chapter 24

Romero’s POV

“Hello Romero.” I heard the stunning and wonderful girl say to me.

“Hello Katalayah” I said to her and smiled as she returned the smile.

“Why didn’t you tell me she had woken up, you stupid little girl?” I scolded that little brat, she never does anything right, why would I trust her with such an important task? Oh right, because I had to go and feel bad for her because of her situation, who sort of reminds of Kat believe it or not.

“Hey, don’t yell at her like that. It is not her fault, I asked her not to get you she only did what she was told. Besides, I really just wanted to surprise you…” Kat spoke up for the little girl, one of the many things I love about her, she is so caring and I didn’t miss that she said she wanted to surprise me. I knew she missed me just as much as I missed her.

“Alright baby, Jasmine I apologize and you may go.” I told her and she looked hesitant to leave as she looked at Kat, as if she was asking for permission.

“I said go!” I yelled at her and Kat nodded at her then gave me a look that I must say scared me just a little. She’s like a momma bear protecting her cubs; she’s going to be a great Luna.

“So, we need to talk.” She said to me

“Hmm, getting straight down to business I see…What happened to small talk? For example, I missed you Romero, It’s so nice to see you, how you been? I mean damn Kat what you done lost yo manners?” I asked her and she looked surprised.

“How have you been Romero? I haven’t seen you since you pretty much told me you were going to kidnap me and take me away from my friends and family, my family that is finally almost whole again; not to mention you scaring me and hurting my arm. Even with all that I won’t deny the fact that I did miss you Romero. I missed my best friend, the guy that as always there for me and that I could talk to when I couldn’t talk to anyone else, one of the few people I always go to for advice. What happened to you Romero? Why would you do this to me? Why you take me from everything and everyone I know and love, against my will? What if you harmed my baby? Do you even understand how much pain I am in right now to be separated from my mate? I can feel his worry his pain but I can’t speak to him to let him know I am fine. Why would you put me through this type of pain? I thought you were and always would be my best friend no matter what? I thought… I thought you loved me ‘Mero?” She was breaking down in front of me crying her eyes out… Pain, am I putting her through pain? I didn’t know she would be hurting, hell I didn’t even know she was pregnant. What am I doing? What am I doing to my best girl?

Tears formed in my eyes as I embraced her in a hug, I didn’t know what else to say except “I’m sorry and I didn’t know… I never meant to hurt you Kat.”

“Listen… when we finally got together I was so happy. I mean it was amazing that I got to finally be with the only girl I’ve ever loved and when all that started to slip away from me I… I guess I just didn’t know how to deal with it, I just couldn’t lose you and I didn’t think it was fair. Why do the jerks always get the pretty girls? I actually made myself believe you loved me and didn’t want him, but I was wrong and I am so sorry. I mean it Kat, the one thing I would never want to do is hurt you, or someone that’s a piece of you. Truth is after I escaped I found my mate, she was lying dead in the middle of the woods and I guess I figured if I couldn’t have my mate I would have you. I am stupid, I am a jerk and I’m really sorry.” At some point while explaining this to her I started to cry and she was the one supporting me. It was like it was when we were just friends… maybe that’s all Kat and I was meant to be?

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