Chapter 19 (2 of 2)

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"you have to promise not to get mad"

"How could I get mad at a time like this? what is it?"

"Okay um, I'm pregnant." She told him while rubbing her stomach

"Your What?!" "B-b-but You just mated"


Katalayah's Pov

"Daddy, we fully mated like three weeks ago." I told my father avoiding meeting his eye.

"Baby girl please tell me your joking.. pleasee"

"No daddy. I'm not. We're gonna be a family. Your gonna be a grandfather. I thought you'd be happy" i said with tears forming in my eyes.

"I am but your my little girl. This is just too much for one day. I need to go for a run" he replied walking towards the backyard.

"Daddy, pleaseeeee don't go!" 

"I'll be back" with that he took off to the woods disappearing and leaving me crying and heart broken.

I knew all of this was too much. This is all my fall. I never stopped to think how this would affect my father. After my mom died we were all he had left. He probably feels as if he's loosing me too but that's not true. He could never loose me. Doesn't he know that? I should'nt have told him like this. This is my fault. Now he's out there not thinking straight with all those rogues around. God I can't loose him too.

"It's gonna be okay Kitten. He'll get over it." Steven said to me

"But baby, he's not thinking straight and now he's out there alone with rogues all around the damn place! What if he gets hurt? Steven baby I can't loose him too!" I yelled at him while crying

"I'll go find him and bring him back" Alpha Peter said (Steven's dad A.K.A the alpha)

I looked him in the eye "Thank You" 

"It's no problem. Thanks for taking my idiot of a son back. and congrats on everything." 

I giggled a little when he said that "Thanks Alpha Pete"

"Hey call me dad. Your family now!"

"Thanks 'dad'" I said laughing.... With a nod of his head he left to find my father.

 "Your dad is something else....... I hope my dad is okay" I told him my smile fading off of my face.

"He will be fine. My dad will find him. Your dad isn't stupid. He is a beta" he replied 

"Well, yeah your right but I can't help but to be worried still" 

"I know baby its gonna be okay, I promise." 

"Don't make promises your not sure you can keep." I said to him

he looked me deeply into my eyes and told me "I promise" and kissed me

God I love this man. I can't believe I'm going to be married to him and have his pups soon. There's only one thing that could make my life better right now and that would be to have my whole family together. Damn I miss my mommy.

"baby why are you crying?"

"Nothing baby it's just these stupid pregnancy hormones..."

"Kitten, tell me whats wrong?"

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