Chapter 7 - Start Of A New Relationship

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*** Authors Note ***

Hey guys, I'm thinking about taking this story down. I'm not exactly sure if i should or not but my English teacher said maybe I should this way my book can't be copied. I'm not sure as yet though. I would like to know what you guys think so please comment an let me know ! :)

Well, I think Ive kept you all waiting long enough. So here it is chapter 7 (Start Of A New Relationship).


Katalayah's POV

"That was amazing" he said while looking deep into my eyes. I blushed and gave him a quick peck.

Just then my brother Trevor came barging into my room ruining a perfect moment.

"Well well well what do we have here? Your kissing A GUY? Well, sorta." He half yelled and laughed.

"What do you even want? Why don't you get out and leave me alone Trevor." I mumbled out the last part but of-course he heard me, He is a were-wolf.

"What did you just say you little Bitch?" He yelled at me sounding pissed

I was about to say nothing and sorry when Romero stood up and said "She said why don't you get out and leave her alone? Oh, and DON'T YOU EVER FUCKING call her a bitch again."  I was so shocked but so scared. Trevor was gonna do something or he was gonna hurt me i just know it. So, i mind linked Shaun.

"Shaun, are you busy?"

"I'm never too busy for my baby sister. Why, what's going on?"

"Trevor just burst into my room when i was with Romero and he called me a bitch then Rom told him off i'm afraid he's gonna do something."

"What? Okay I'm leaving now I'm just at the gym. I'll be there in like 5 minuets top." I said okay and focused on the stare down going on between Rom and my brother. I swear they look like they were ready to pounce on each other.

Trevor finally broke the silence's saying "Oh yeah? Or else what? he stepped closer to Romero and i got up and went in between them and told them to stop. "You know I hate Unnecessary Violence." I said facing Romero because I doubt Trevor even knows let alone even cares. Just a second later before Romero could say anything to me I was proved right because Trevor pushed me on the floor I went across the room and I hit my head on my bed post.

Not even a minuet later Trevor Punched Romero dead in his noise and I heard a cracking noise. Romero was out cold and he's nose was probably either sprained or broken. Trevor must of used all of his power in that. He is technically a higher rank than Rom. Trevor walked up to me and kicked and yelled

"Get up Bitch! Did you think your little boyfriend could protect you? He's weak and worthless just like you!" I closed my eyes and the kicking stopped then i heard a crash and Trevor groan.

I thought Shaun finally got here but I opened my eyes to see Steven hovering over Trevor yelling something I couldn't make out over the ringing in my ears. Steven looked at me and I saw in his eyes he was angry, pained and hurt? But why is he doing that? It couldn't of been for me he hates me. Trevor must of did something because I know he couldn't care less about me.

"That's not true! Our mate does not hate us! He loves us don't you see how he's protecting us now?" Andrea said.

"SHUT UP. NO HE DOES NOT. HE HATES US AND HE DOESN'T WANT US HE MADE THAT PERFECTLY CLEAR. Now, I don't wanna talk about this or him anymore because I don't like him either." I yelled back at her.

"Okay Fine, but we both know that's not true." She said sounding sad and depressed.

A minuet later Shaun came in and saw me laying on the floor and rushed over by my side.

"Kat I'm so sorry are you okay?"

"I'm fine but what the hell took you so long? You said 5minuets tops" I yelled at him

"It's only been about 4 minuets since we talked. I came as fast as I could I'm sorry" He pleaded

"It's okay." I looked over to see Trevor still on the floor and Steven still staring at me. "but, could you please get Trevor and Steven out of here now. Please" I begged him.

"Sure, no problem."


So what did you guys think ? did you like ? Oh btw this is only part one. there will be a second part of chapter two that i should upload by tomorrow night ! :) Also, i was hoping to get at-least 3-5 votes for this chapter. What do you say? lol But please tell me what you think !

VOTE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FAN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and of- course COMMENT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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