1. New Friends

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'Trinnnggg' The first bell ringed.

Wow, my first day and yet almost too late. I muttered angrily to myself.  I hurriedly looked at my school schedule. The fourth time in less than five minutes.

Bang! A boy suddenly walked around the corner and bumped into me. 'Ehhh, hello.' I stammered. I quickly looked at him. The boy wore a tight black t-shirt with a white print. Under the t-shirt you could see a muscular body. Wow, how do the other boys look like? Can it be better than this boy? I thought.

'Hey' he greeted, with a deep warm voice. I saw a curious look in his clear blue eyes. 'Are you new here? I think I haven't seen you before.'

'Yes, you're right. Last week I moved here.' I said hastily. A glance at the clock told me I had three minutes left before I had to be in class. However, I had no idea where I had to be.

'Ehm... What is your name?' I looked questioningly at the handsome boy.

'Oh, I'm sorry, my name is Brian.'

'My name is Souhaila. I'm a bit late. Brian, could you tell me where is D115? I haven't enough time to go to the reception to ask for a plan.'

'Do you have Science?' Brian looked dissapointed. 'That's too bad, I haven't. But come with me, I will take you to your class. He smiled at me.

'Wow, thanks!'

We proceeded through the now empty corridor to the end of the school. 'Here is your class. What do you have after Science?' He looked at me hopefully.

For the fifth time I looked at my schedule. 'First I have math and then biology.'

'Then you're not rid of me yet.' Brian grinned. I smiled back and waved to him before I walked into the classroom. 'Nice, I'll see you soon. See you later!' I looked after Brian until he dissapeared into his classroom. Yeah! The first student I met is an incredibly handsome boy!

I walked into the class. As soon as the teacher saw me, he walked to me and held out his hand. 'Welcome, you must be Souhaila.' I nodded and he continued. 'My name is Mr. Kingsfield. Tell something about you and then take a seat.' A hush fell over the class and I saw curious faces turned into my direction. 'Ehhh, hello everybody. My name is Souhaila Leafblade. Last week I moved from Florida to Montana.

I looked at Mr. Kingsfield, wondering whether I had to say more. He nodded. Before he could speak, a beautiful girl with a gold brown skin and eyes held up her hand. 'Mr., may Souhaila sit next to me?' Mr. Kingsford nodded.

 As soon as I sat next to the girl, she started talking. 'Hey, my name is Claire.' she said.

I soon discovered Claire would become a really good friend. Without paying attention to our teacher, she pointed to every person in class to tell their names and say something about them.

I told her about my meeting with Brian.

Her eyes widened. 'Brian? He did nice to you?'  Yet it was my turn to be surprised. I looked at her whether she was joking. 'Yes, he asked me if he could escort me to my class because I didn't know where I had my lesson. Is there something wrong with him?'

 When I talked about Brian, Clair got blushes on her cheeks. Then she started laughing. 'Something wrong? No, of course not! You just got the attention of the most handsome boy of the whole school and you ask me if something is wrong?

She giggled. Her laugh made me smile. 'Haha, it may be your enemy, I didn't know you were joking!'

The teacher looked into our way. After a while Claire spoke. 'No, he isn't my enemy. That isn't the point.'

'What's the point then?' I asked curiously.

'Brian is changed. He used to be the friendliest, most handsome and most popular person at school, but he has changed into a quiet, serious person, who rather wants to be alone.'

She sighed. 'Nobody does exactly know what happened to him and he doesn't let anyone come closer to him. That was also the reason why I was that surprised about the fact he offered to escort you. But that's amazing! Maybe I finally can get my kiss from him.' She sighed theatrically.

'Oh, god, why didn't you tell me immediately that I ended up in your love affair!' we laughed together.

In the pause I hung out with Claire. About each person she could tell funny things, except for one person.

I asked her for the boy. He had a beautiful athletic body and brown wavy hair curled around his perfectly face with stunning blue eyes. When I looked at him, I got tingles all over my body and I gasped. I've never had such reaction to a person.

'His name is Devan. He has been three years at this school, but still nobody knows anything about him. Devan has got three brothers. Two of them are in this school. The other one left to study. It is said that he and his familiy live in the forest, but that isn't certain.'

Wow, why are them all that pretty! I thought. I'll probably not win the bet with Marian, I guess.

Marian is one of my best friends from Florida who I know since childhood. She wanted me to promise that I did not fall in love without her approval.When I saw, how serious she was, I started laughing. 'Okay, okay, I'll promise it!' It was the last day I spoke to her and I really missed her.

The boy, named Devan, turned to us. His eyes glinstened and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, as if he was laughing at something.

Damn, I didn't say it aloud, did I?

This time he really grinned. After he smilingly looked into my eyes, he turned and walked away.

'What is wrong with that boy? He stared at you, how dare he!' A warm deep voice came from behind us. I turned to the voice and saw Brian grinning at me. Without thinking I smiled back. Claire sighed jealously.

She really loves him. How can I link them? I wondered, when I understood Claire had a crush on Brian. Maybe it'll help if I let them alone.

I excused myself and walked to the toilets. I tried to get my thoughts in order. What's up with Devan? Devan, Devan, I've heard his name before. I'll ask granny, maybe she could tell me who he is and why I had such tingling. I lived with my grandma. I never have known my parents. The only memory I had of them was the day they left. I can still see my mom's beautiful double colored eyes. But this day they weren't sparkling like always. Instead they looked really sad. Every day when I look into the mirror I can see a part of my mom. I've inherited those double colored eyes from her. It's called heterochromia. One of my eyes is blue, the other is brown. My grandma, told me I had to cover them with lenses and I did because I didn't want to be more special than others.

Still in thought about my parents I walked out the toilets. Suddenly a warm arm grabbed me around my waist. I let out a startled yelp.

'Shhh, it's okay. It's just me, relax, beautiful.'

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