9. No More Lies

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I felt guilty, very very guilty, but I couldn't look away of his evil-filled eyes. I stood frozen, wondering why he hadn't turned away yet, why he hadn't spoken a word, why he only stood there unable to do anything. 

It wasn't my fault, was it?, I shook my head trying to get rid off the guilty feeling. Wasn't it my fault? I should have known he had still feelings for me, like he had showed me in my bedroom? 

Both of my guys were staring at me. Oh, damn.  I thought emotionless. It wasn't the reaction I'd expected from myself. In other time and under different circumstances, I would have freaked out completely already. Especially with those guys around me. However, lately nothing seemed  to what it used to be. 

I couldn't get used to the fact they both were able to read my mind and I knew all too well they both did yet. My head felt strange, full, uncrombehending, like millions of questions, millions of unsolved puzzles got stuck in my head and I also knew I wouldn't temporarily lose that feeling. The two additional minds became too much for me. If I only could ban their thoughts out my mind... But I couldn't block them, so it remained hope.

'Sto...' My voice faltered. 'Stop!'  I got the full undivided attention of my boys. One of them full of pain and worry, the other angry and sad.

'Silas, I'm sorry... ' Before I could finish my sentence, Silas quickly interrupted me.

' Sorry for WHAT?!' He shot back. 'For seeing you kissing with...  With...' He stammered. 'Silas, please, liste...' He coldly interrupted me again. 'No. No.' He said firmly. 'If you  want better to be with him, that deceitful monster... I don't care.' He turned and marched furiously away. Without doubt I knew he was deeply hurt. But he wasn't the only one who was hurt. His words had hurt me too and thereby also came his pain reflected in my body. He wasn't fair. I threw an apologetic glance to Devan, before I hurried to Silas.

When I got downstairs, I heard Silas talking to the woman I used to call my grandma. I still didn't know how I would call her, but it wasn't a big problem yet.

Some words reached my ears, but I didn't need my ears to hear their whole conversation. I simply used the link I shared with Silas to follow their conversation.

'She isn't save here, why don't you see that?! Tell her, goddammit, what exactly is happening!' It was Silas's voice. He hit the table with flat hand to substantiate his point. 'No, the less she knows, the better!' What?? I thought confused.

Silas lowered his voice to an in audible whisper.'You know she can hear everything we are saying through our Soulmate-link.' Grace's eyes widened. Silas cursed angrily. 'Oh? You don't want to know everything about her? You don't want to know the things which are needed to save her? To protect her? You can't run for it, you're in the middle of the chaos!' I quietly walked over to Silas and Grace, the old servant of my mother.

'Silas, please tell me what you're really doing here.' I looked at him sternly. 'No more lies.' He took a deep breath and grabbed my hand to bring it to his lips. He softly pressed his lips to my hand. Inside, I melted and I could see he had seen the feeling flickering in my eyes before it quickly disappeared. In his eyes was hope.  'Souhaila, You're my soul mate, or in fact I'm yours. As daughter of the prince and princess of the pure bloodline which immediately lead to the Creator,you're protected by a spell. Or more rather, a curse.' For an instant he looked furiously at Grace. 'The wisemen had let her promising to tell you everything about your ancestry. About who you really are, what you are and why you are that important to us all. Not only this, but everything, but only when you would be ready for it. Your fake grandma actually didn't want to tell you anything. She was scared, didn't want to be informed about things that took place in the royal house and didn't think you would be ready for it. Never.' Silas said wearily. 'Silas, what exactly does that spell mean?' I insisted. He ran his hand through his hair. I've known that movement since we started to be friends and I knew it betrayed his unease.

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