10. Devan's promise

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I'm very very sorry, I haven't updated the story in time ;( School has started again and I had an important competition at Saturday for which I had to train a lot. But I'm glad to tell you it went well and I became 8th at the Dutch championships! Yet I've more time to write down the story. I'm thinking about how the story will end, so if you have some ideas, everything is welcome ;)

The next chapter will be much longer, I promise!


'S, wake up, you've got a nightmare.' Devan gently shook my shoulders. Without noticing, I cried rivers of tears and my skin felt clammy from the cold night sweat. Through my teary eyes, I saw Devan blurred in dark contours standing next to my bed.

'Sssshh, don't cry, I'm with you.' Devan spoke reassuringly to me. I looked at him totally dazed.

'Devan, what are you doing here?' I stammered surprised. 

'I'm sorry.' He looked embarrassingly.

'I couldn't sleep. I realized I have never spoke the whole truth to you, like Silas had told you already and I promised myself to tell you everything about the Soulmate bond, but please believe me if I say I've never lied to you.' I raised my eyebrow. I was glad he had never been lying to me, but it didn't explain what he was doing here.

'S, I had to see you. That everything was okay with you. I was the whole time thinking about you, when suddenly your fearful scream filled the night. I picked up some parts of your terrible dream and thought you might feel saver when I'm here with you, but maybe it's only selfish of me. I just badly wanted to comfort you. If you don't want to, I'd better go again, but since you're awake yet, if you want me to, I would really like to speak with you about some things,' he spoke softly.

I sighed, of course I felt saver with some of my Soulmates with me and I could admit I didn't want him to leave. I was too curious about what he wanted to tell me.

'Please stay, pick that seat over there.' I pointed at my office chair. In the darkness I could just see a relieved smile on Devan's handsome face. With an immortal speed, he grabbed the chair and placed it next to my bed. His awareness made me immediately feeling at ease.

Please, whatever you want to tell me, say it in mind, so we won't wake the others.

Your wish is my command. If you want to, I'll speak in mind. Devan's barely audible voice sounded in a distance corner of my mind.

So, what did you want to tell me? I thought curiously.

Well, first, as I said, I have never spoken the whole truth to you. I offer my apologies. I grew up with stories about our kind, about legends of The Creator and The War and as long as I can remember, I've always known that someday I would get forces, which I would use to protect our kind. For me it was just almost impossible to understand how little you really knew about this all. Tonight when I went with my thoughts along your whole story about how you grew up, I suddenly felt guilty when I finally understood your ignorance.

I didn't know what I could answer. The feeling somebody finally understood me, made me feel incredibly satisfied.

Are you in the mood to hear something about the Soulmate bond? Devan asked cheerful.

I nodded, but when I realized it was too dark to see movements, I said yes.

Alright, one of the nicest things of the Soulmate bond is that when you are very close to or when you touch the skin of your Soulmate, expecially when you're asleep, you won't be plagued by bad dreams or visions.... I understood his hint and chuckled.

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