12. Hello New World

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Zzzzzzzz, an annoyingly buzzing sound was irritatingly circling around my head. Probably a bee, I thought, still half asleep. Wait! What? A bee? Am I outside?

I tried to open my eyes, but my movement came no further than a tiny vibration of my eyelids. I tried again to open my eyes. Small vibrations, that were the only things I caused. For a brief moment, I felt stress coming up inside. No(!) I quickly put the stress aside. Breath in. Breath out. Stress never helps anyone. It isn't the way to solve problems. I tried to relax myself and I felt my thoughts calming down until I remembered one specific thing.

Help! I can't even use my lungs! Panic raced through my mind. I couldn't move, I couldn't use my muscles, let alone my limbs or eyes. Altough it should have been the right time to freak totally out, my panic changed into wondering. Why was I still alive, since I wasn´t able to breath? What was going on? Am I dead? Am I a dead being yet? Are dead people able to think about things like this?

I was totally confused. Wondered. And again, the panic increased. Many different emotions raced through my mind, but I tried another try to calm down. It wasn't effective to panic. It wouldn't give me any solution. I had to focus on my muscles and my paralyzed body.

Careful now, one muscle. One by one, don't rush. I urged myself to stay calm. Suddenly I felt a sharp sting of pain shooting trough my body. My chest raised and my lungs filled with air. I felt an incredibly painful sting in my lungs. It felt as if my lungs hadn't breathed in a while and started to die when they suddenly were forced to work again. The cold breath streamed along my for a long time not used lungcells.

I promise, if I had been able to use my vocal cords, I would have screamed so loud that everyone within a radius of 5000 miles would have heard my scream. Is it usual to feel pain when you're dead??? My fear changed into surprise and a huge feeling of sympathy. I almost felt sorry for every person who ever lived in this world.

Wait. World...

Slowly I felt my memories coming back, and pieces of the jigsaw puzzle fell into place. Flashes of the time when I was a kid. Young, innocent. Frolicking in the meadow. Rapidly, the flashes went on showing more and more of my life and my mind rushed through my memories. I saw me as six-year-old, a cute girl. It was when my grandma first told me about who I really am. Not just a kid, but the daughter of two important and famous royals. I laughed at the surprised expression of myself as six-year-old girl. Although, was I laughing? No. I couldn't lift up my cheeks. It was only a happy feeling inside that the little me had caused. Then I saw myself as a 12-year-old, running from enemies who were trying to kidnap me. The more the flashes showed me, the more I understood where I was.

The flashes stopped at a beautiful flashback in which I found myself in a beautiful setting under water. Glistening light was shining through the clear stream where it lightened the face of a beautiful young girl.  It was me, touching the beautiful crystal beneath the surface of the water. I watched, fascinated by what took place in the world of my memories. The moment I touched the crystal, it brightened and spread a lovely bright light through the water. The light was so bright that it blinded my eyes and I had to cover them. An instant later, the light had vanished. And so had I.

The last piece of the jigsaw puzzle fell into place. It was true. I wasn't on earth anymore. I was on Lunar. A huge sense of relief flowed through my body. I had made it. I really had made it to the strange unknown world Lunar. It only still didn't make me being out of danger. Stress rushed through my mind. I could tell you that being in consciousness, but not being able to use any muscle, is horrifying. The only thing I could do was breathing and lying paralyzed on the hard rocky bottom of the cave. I took a deep breath. 'Just keep trying to use your muscles,' I told myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2014 ⏰

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