|Shot 56| • Forbidden I • |Jyatt|

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"I had a lot of fun tonight, Wy" I said sweetly to Wyatt with a genuine smile.

"I'm glad, Jae. Repeat Friday?" he asked jovially.


"I love you, Jae" he smiled after he kissed me.

"I love you too, Wy"

He kissed me goodnight before watching me walk inside my house. I closed the door behind me and let out a contented sigh.

"Jaeden Wesley Lieberher"

"Gah! Jesus...hi, mom. Sorry, you scared me" I clutched my chest and exhaled sharply.

"Where were you?" she queried in a scolding tone as she crossed her arms.

"I-I was just with Wyatt. W-We were just hanging out" I explained.

"Just hanging out? I saw him kiss you. Are you two together?"

I gulped.

"Well?" she insisted.

"Y-Yes, mom, we are" I admitted shyly.

"Not anymore" she said sternly. "I don't want you to see that boy anymore"

"You can't decide that!" I protested.

"I am your mother! I know what's best for you, that boy is trash! He's only going to break your heart, he's not worth it"

Tears streamed down my face at her comment.

"He's not trash!" I sobbed. "I love him, and he loves me! I don't care what anyone thinks, he's worth everything to me!"

She reached out to me but I pushed her away.

"NO!" I screamed as tears poured down my face. "I choose Wyatt!"

I ran outside and bolted down the street. I didn't stop, not even when she called after me, until my feet reached Wyatt's door.

"Wyatt! Wyatt!" I called.

He opened the door a moment later with sympathetic, concerned eyes.

"Jaeden? Baby, what's wrong?" he queried tenderly as he cupped my cheeks.

"Can we go to our spot, first?" I asked through tears.

"Of course"


"Tell me what's wrong" he said gently as he wiped away my tears that refused to cease.

"Muh-Muh-My mom f-found out ab-b-b-bout us a-and wants us to b-break up" I sobbed, and he held me tight in his arms.

I felt his back and jaw become taut as he held me close and whispered sweet coos in my ear to sooth me.

"She s-says you'll b-break my heart" I told him.

"She's right" he said quietly.

"W-What?" I questioned and pulled away a bit.

He sighed and slowly brought his eyes to mine.

"She's right, Jae. I have no intentions of breaking your heart, but I don't deserve you. Sooner or later, you'll get hurt. It's best if...we end things. I don't want to hurt you"

"No no no no no I don't want that, Wy, please!" I sobbed.

"Neither do I, Jae baby, and I love you so much but if your mom doesn't accept me, then I should respect that. You deserve better than me, Jaeden" he said mournfully.

"W-Wy, puh-please, don't d-do this. I-I know it's h-hard sneaking around b-but I wuh-wanna do this with you. I-I love you"

The tears kept coming, and his eyes brimmed with tears too as reached out to me and tried to wipe away my tears. I pushed his hands away.

"I love you, Jaeden" he whispered.

"I hate you" I sobbed, and his eyes widened before he gave me a hurt look. "I hate you! I don't care how hard this gets, I still want you! I hate you for doing this, I loved you so much!"

He reached out to me again but I ran off. I could barely see where I was running because of my blurry vision, my eyes clouded with tears.

I hate him.

I hate him.

But I love him.


I wanted to run after him. To tell him I'm so sorry. To wrap him in my arms and never let go no matter what.

But I couldn't do that. I'd only make things worse.

Jaeden deserves an unproblematic relationship. Someone better than me. Someone his parents accept. Someone he doesn't have to sneak around with.

Jaeden deserves better.

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