Chapter 16 - Gummy smiles

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Friday came by a lot quicker than I expected,

"Are you sure you don't want me to stay home?" I ask my mom, straightening out my white top as I look in the mirror near the door. She was busy flicking through the channels on the couch, her gaze fixated on the TV in front of her.

She waves a hand at me in dismissal, "I'll be fine here, you go out and have fun."

She pauses briefly, "but don't you dare get too drunk you hear me?" she jokingly says yet I could still hear a stern tone in her voice. I nod, slipping on my leather jacket before leaving the house.

Plans were that I would take Hoseok, Yoongi and Jungkook to the party, where we would meet up with Jin and Taehyung.

We hadn't told Taehyung yet that Hoseok was coming with us, I guess he knew that Hoseok would be there since he is very popular at school. But he never really put two and two together that Hoseok will be hanging out with us for the evening.

Driving to Jungkook's was a lot shorter than usual. I could feel the butterflies dancing around in my stomach at the thought of seeing Yoongi. We have became a little closer than before, still not completely opening up towards each other yet but we're getting there.

He would say hello to me in the hallways, we would talk more and pick each other to work with during music class. Both Hoseok and Yoongi would sit with us at lunchtime now, the only downside was that Taehyung wouldn't sit with us.

We still managed to find time for him though without Hoseok and Yoongi, since he's still our friend and we didn't want him to think we no longer care about him.

I chuckle at Jungkook as he almost falls flat on his face at how quickly he was trying to get out of his house. His little sister smirking innocently behind him with a small soft toy bunny in her grasp.

"That girl is the devils child!" Jungkook squeals jumping into the seat beside me while pointing at the 3 year old standing at the doorway.

I laugh, rolling down my window and sticking my head out,

"Hi Jung-eun!" I grin at the small girl. Her angry glare that was aimed at her brother changes into a sweet smile when she looks at me.

"Jiminnie!" She cries out running to my side. I open the door, letting her crawl onto my knee. I hug the black headed girl as she giggles in my arms.

I could hear Jungkook huffing beside me while he watches his little sister cuddle into me more.

"Are we interrupting something?" Hoseok appears within my view standing next to my open door. Yoongi stands a little behind him, he notices the small girl in my arms and frowns slightly.

"It's little Jung-eun!" Hoseok laughs while Jungkook's little sister latches herself from me onto him.

He ruffles her black hair, "I haven't seen you in a while."

"She's been staying with my grandparents, but she only came back a week ago and already is in love with him." He points his thumb in my direction which causes me to chuckle.

Jung-eun peers over Hoseok's shoulder at an uncomfortable Yoongi, her large eyes watching his every move. He awkwardly stands there, and vaguely waves at her making a giggle escape her lips.

She tugs at Hoseok to put her down which he does. Jung-eun quickly runs towards Yoongi, now standing in front of him. She has to lean back slightly to look up at him. Yoongi notices this so he crouches down to her eye level.

"What's your name?" She asks,

"I'm Yoongi." He smiles softly at her. She tugs at his sleeve making him stare down at her tiny hand, while he was preoccupied looking, she wraps her small arms around his neck.

His face held shock before he slowly absorbing into the hug, cuddling the small child in his arms.

The sight alone made my heart melt, especially when his gummy smile was on full display for all of us to see.

"Ehem!" A voice ushers, forcing everyone to turn away from Yoongi and Jung-eun, and instead at an annoyed Jungkook.

"If we're all quite finished rubbing it in my face that my sister hates me. We have a party to go to." He folds his arms, pretending to be mad but I could see a hint of amusement behind his eyes.

We all chuckle before saying goodbye to Jung-eun, making sure she returns back into the house safely.


Authors Note

Omg I'm soft 🙊

Yoongi with kids would honestly be my weakness 😩👌🏼

Picture above is Jungkook's little sister, isn't she cute? 🤗

Not sure who the little girl is, I just got the picture from Pinterest 😂👍🏻

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