Chapter 29 - Wingman Jin

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Jin's POV

My eyes re-read over the text message Jungkook had just sent me before I turn my attention back to his little sister, placing my phone back into my back pocket.

"Jinnie! I tired." She whines, pulling on my hand. I pick her up as she cuddles into my shoulder,

"Remember no sleeping till after you've ate." I coo into the little one's ear. She nods swiftly as I enter inside the takeout shop.

I place her down on one of the waiting benches while heading over to order our food. Once ordered I turn around finding Jung-eun was no longer sitting alone.

"Yoongi?" The brunette boy lifts his gaze from the small girl beside him, I was not expecting to run into him here.

He simply nods, pursing his lips into a straight line.

"Oppa stayed with me!" Jung-eun exclaims to me, holding her hands out with excitement at the fact she was able to meet Yoongi again. I smile remembering when Jimin told me how cute it was when she first met Yoongi.

I take a seat on the other side of Jung-eun as she plays around with Yoongi's fingers, counting each one and bending them into different directions.

I was shocked to see this side of Yoongi since he often acts cold and distant from everyone. However, ever since Jimin came along, I've been seeing various changes in Yoongi. Even if he has went back to ignoring Jimin, I would still catch him stealing glances at my light headed friend whenever he would have the chance.

An idea came to play as I stare at the smaller boy, " alone?"

He shakes his head, "nah, Hoseok's next door picking up some drinks."

I nod,


"So up to much later?" I further investigate the boy. He glances at me before back down at Jung-eun.

"No, not really. Why?"

As I open my mouth to speak, I was cut short by the ding of the door, a loud mouth comes stumbling in with a blue carrier bag.

"I got the juic- oh! Hello." Hoseok stops in his tracks once he spots Jung-eun and I.

"Order 216!"

"Yup!" I raise my hand while heading over to collect my order.

"How come Jung-eun is with you?" Hoseok questions, cuddling into the small giggling girl.

I shrug, "I stole her."

"Ha ha very funny, we all know I would be the first to steal her more than you would." Hoseok fires back.

"I'm hanging at Jungkooks with the others. Wanna come with?"

"Is Taehyung there?!" Hoseok quickly slaps a hand over his lips, embarrassed that he just asked that question. I slowly nod, hiding my smile that wanted to crawl onto my face at the sight of the love-struck boy.

"I don't know." Yoongi rubs the back of his neck in uncertainty.

I sigh, "hasn't this whole avoid Jimin gone on for too long?"

Yoongi's eyes widen at my words, "you knew?"

"Of course. Both me and Jungkook could tell for a while now. And thanks to you we've had to make him feel better after you broke his sorry ass heart because that's what best friends do." I slap the boy with the back of my hand against his upper arm in annoyance.

He grumbles under his breath before nervously agreeing to join us.

Time to be the greatest friend ever,


Wingman Jin Activated.


Authors Note

Yes I know this chapter is short. I'll make sure to make the next chapter a lot more longer.

Next chapter will be posted later today 🤗

Please go check out my other story;

It Had To Be You? || Kim Taehyung ||

"I'm in love with you!" I cry out. "it's always been you, but you've been to busy with other girls to even notice me!"

Chaerin & Taehyung have been best friends since birth. They are inseparable. But what happens when Chaerin can no longer contain her feelings for Taehyung? Will it make or break their current relationship? Throw in a new student who's taken up an interest in Chaerin and we have ourselves a romance complex.

Warning ⚠️:
Strong Language and Sexual References

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